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Read State Director Linda Schauer’s Published Letter Explaining Why Shoppers Should Avoid Target

By June 30, 2016South Dakota
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Target Puts Customers in Danger

Target’s decision to open their restrooms and fitting rooms to transgender individuals is a public safety issue. In the name of “inclusivity,” Target is catering to a small minority of the population who identify as transgender, but also inadvertently creating the possibility of sexual deviants posing as transgender in order to obtain entry into restrooms of the opposite sex.

Recently at a Bismarck, N.D., Target store, a teenage girl was videotaped while in a fitting room. The perpetrator had slipped his cellphone under the fitting room door.

Maya Dillard Smith, executive director of Georgia’s ACLU, whose organization has lobbied against privacy legislation in South Dakota, resigned her position after three individuals over 6 feet tall with deep voices followed Smith and her two young daughters into a store restroom.

Dr. Paul McHugh, distinguished professor and psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University, calls transgenderism “a disorder of the mind, not a disorder of the body.” The American College of Pediatricians states, “Facts — not ideology — determine reality.”

One in six American women is sexually assaulted during her lifetime — and 33 percent of rape or sexual assault incidents to female victims were perpetrated on school property or in a public venue. As of June 2016, there were 3,502 registered sex offenders in South Dakota. Sexual predators are salivating over Target’s misguided policy.

Women and children have the right to a reasonable expectation of privacy when using public restrooms. Do not stand for the heightened possibility of a predator creating unsafe conditions for women and children in our town.

Tell Target that we will not tolerate their decision to endanger their customers. Boycott Target with your pocketbook. Spend your hard-earned dollars elsewhere.

Linda D. Schauer
State Director, Concerned Women for America of South Dakota

Editor’s Note: A version of this letter was published by the Aberdeen News. Click here to read it.