Do You Want to Conduct a Voter Registration Drive at Your Church?

By September 24, 2018Missouri

On November 6, we will each have the opportunity to vote for those who best represent our views at the county, state and federal levels. As Christians we want individuals holding public office who will make decisions regarding laws and public policy that build the family, not tear it down. The election ballot in November will have both candidates and issues on it that will need careful consideration by we who want to protect the unborn, definition of the family, religious rights and more.

Deuteronomy 1:13 says, “Choose for your tribes wise, understanding, and experienced men, and I will appoint them as your heads.”  May we make every effort to do the same.

Have you moved since the last time you voted? Or, have you never registered to vote? No problem! You simply need to do so by October 11 in order to vote on Tuesday, November 6.  Click here to do. Mark November 6 on your calendar.

Are you ready to go a step farther?  Are you ready to make an impact beyond yourself?  Please encourage your pastor to allow you to hold a voter registration drive in your church so the members are both encouraged and ready to vote on November 6. The IRS guidelines indicate that a church may sponsor or conduct a nonpartisan voter registration.

Concerned Women for America of Missouri has prepared a free Voter Registration Drive packet for our members and friends. The packet includes instructions and materials on how to conduct a voter registration drive as well as the materials needed. We suggest churches host voter registrations on the weekends of September 29-30 and Oct. 6-7.

Everything you need to coordinate a registration drive is below except for voter cards that you need to order in time to have a September 29-30 and Oct. 6-7 drive.  The link is below, titled “Voter Registration Application Form.”

If you have any questions and/or would like to host a voter registration drive, please contact me.  I am happy to assist.

Voter Registration Drive Packet:
Letter to the Pastor – Email or bring a copy of this with you when you ask your pastor/church if you can do a voter registration table at your church.
Church Voter Registration Coordinator Information sheet
General Voter Information
Voter Registration Application Form
Request for Missouri Absentee Ballot sheet
Absentee Voter Instructions
2018 Missouri Election Calendar

Flyers, handouts, and posters:
Political Guidelines for Churches and Pastors
Voters Decide the Future of America flyer
Old Enough to Vote flyer
Are You Registered to Vote flyer
Did You Know flyer
Registration Drive poster
Party Platform Comparison

Bev Ehlen

State Director
CWA of Missouri