Privacy Bill and Fetal Parts Bill Gain Approval

By January 29, 2016South Dakota

“The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” -American Patriot, Patrick Henry

Privacy Bill Passes in the House

girl boyHB1008, An Act to restrict access to certain restrooms and locker rooms in public schools passed in the full House on Wednesday, January 27, with a vote of 58 Yeas and 10 Nays.  Click here to see how your legislators voted.  HB1008 will now be heard in the Senate Education Committee.

ACTION:  Contact the members  of the Senate Education Committee and urge them to vote YES on HB1008, the student privacy bill.  In addition, e-mail your senator and ask him to vote YES on HB1008.

In addition, phone the Senate lobby (605) 773-3821 and leave a message for your Senator.  (They will not be in session on Monday, February 1.)

HB1008 would protect students in the private areas in school settings.  Under HB1008, if a student is confused about his sex and identifies as the opposite of their biological sex (transgender), he may not use the same restrooms, locker rooms, etc. as his identified sex.  He must be provided private areas other than the opposite sex.

Fetal Parts Bill Passes in Committee

unbornSB24,  An Act to prohibit the sale of fetal body parts and to provide a penalty therefor, passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee today with a vote of 6-0.  Click here to see the votes.

Our current state law prohibits for-profit sale of fetal remains.  SB24 tightens up the law by providing a penalty for the violation.

ACTION:  Contact your senator and urge him to vote YES on SB24.  In addition, phone the senate lobby (605) 773-3821 and leave a message for your senator.

God bless you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.