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Press Release: Say NO to the Day of Silence at YOUR School this Week

By April 14, 2015Wisconsin
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April 14, 2015
Contact: Kim Simac

Concerned Women for America of Wisconsin
Say NO to the Day of Silence at YOUR School this Week

Reading, writing and arithmetic are what taxes are supposed to be paying for in our public schools. In good faith, parents send their children to schools expecting that a respect for individual beliefs and traditions will not be betrayed. Yet, there is a strong and steady trend of indoctrination of children’s precious developing values happening that does not belong anywhere in American schools. This Friday, April 17, the “Day of Silence” is being promoted in schools across Wisconsin and our nation. The “Day of Silence” directs a child to attend school and be silent while in classrooms in support of homosexual rights. This is a project of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), who in the name of anti-bullying, have infiltrated schools in all 50 states. While bullying is their format, their real motives seem focused on teaching our children that belief in traditional marriage is shameful. Such networking being allowed in taxpayer-funded public schools undermines the private beliefs of religion and takes rights away from parents.

“Would I, a pro-life American, organize a “Day of Silence” in our public schools in memory of all the babies in America murdered by abortion?’ asks Kim Simac, Wisconsin Director of Concerned Women for America. “Of course not and never would I think to interrupt the academic learning paid for by my tax dollars, which is the sole purpose for which students are sent to public schools.” Simac adds, “Teaching tolerance of any anti-Christian, or any other religious belief, is not permissible. Any school or teacher who allows and promotes such activities in the classroom or buildings is blatantly disregarding parental and children’s rights and should be held accountable for such action.”

What can you do? Call your school district today. Take some time to protect your children from those who would stoop so low as to prey on their innocence. If your child’s school is participating, keep your child home. In addition, call your school administrator relaying your right to their assurances that tax dollars paid to operate the district are being used only for reading, writing and arithmetic. Politics do not belong in the classroom, and the classroom should not be a battleground for the current “Culture War” being fought in America.

Contact Kim Simac with results of your calls to schools and attend your next local school board meeting to share your concerns about exactly what is being taught in your taxpayer-funded school. More information can be found at
