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President Trump Promises to Veto Abortion Legislation

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Washington D.C. — Today during the annual March for Life, President Trump announced the delivery of a letter to Speaker Pelosi threatening to veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life policies or “encourages the destruction of human life at any stage.”
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee CEO and President Penny Young Nance issued the following statement in response:

“We applaud President Trump for holding true to his promises and standing for life. Now that Congress is divided, issuing this blanket veto letter to protect life is an absolute necessity. There is no doubt that a Pelosi-led House will do everything in its power to roll back any and all protections for the unborn.

“Speaker Pelosi has made it clear from the day she took the gavel that life is not significant. On January 3, day one of the new Congress, the House voted to roll back protections to prohibit federal funding for abortion entities overseas. Newsflash to Speaker Pelosi: 75% of Americans, including 56% of Democrats, do not want their tax dollars funding international abortions . Furthermore, 54% of Americans support the Hyde Amendment and oppose taxpayer funding for abortion, including 36% of Democrats . The issue of abortion doesn’t divide Americans, it divides the left.

“On Tuesday, 169 members of the House, led by Rep. Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), and 49 senators, led by Senator Daines (R-Montana), each submitted requests to the president to issue this veto promise, guaranteeing that a veto will be sustained. This is not an empty promise; it sends a clear message, backed up by Congress, that life is not a bargaining chip.

“While notable progress has been made, there is still much work to be done, and CWALAC will continue to work with the administration and both houses of Congress to fight for life.”