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September 17 Prayer/Action Alert: Righteousness

By September 16, 2020Washington
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“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

Please pray for our nation, that the fires, the riots, and the virus will awaken both Christians and lost people to the reality of a culture and nation without God. “But the prayer of the upright is His delight … But He loves him who follows righteousness.” (Proverbs 15:8- 9) God waits to hear our prayers!  

There are many things you can do to influence and impact our culture. It is time to mobilize and engage! Here are a few opportunities for engagement:

She Prays, She Votes National Prayer Events
No matter what state you live in, we invite you to our national prayer events, where we will pray specifically for targeted states. There are two ways to participate: Facebook Live or by conference call: Dial-in number: (712) 770-4921, Participant Code: 704998.  Click here to find dates/times and more.

Voter Registration
The first step in choosing leaders in civil government is a small but important one – registering to vote!  We have made it simple for you to do your part this election season to help ensure people are registered to vote. We have provided helpful resources to assist you in setting up a voter registration drive in your community. Click here for resources.

Reminder: It is permissible for churches to have a voter-registration drive. According to the IRS, church voter registration drives are well within the 501c3 guidelines, and even encouraged, as long as they are non-partisan.

Ask your pastor if you can conduct a non-partisan voter registration drive or place voter registration forms in your church lobby. We all must encourage people to pray and vote in the November election. Elections have consequences, and Christians are responsible for placing righteous people in governing roles. “He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” 2 Samuel 23:3.

Upcoming Event
The Return is a ten-day event sponsored by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of “The Harbinger.” The event is a call for prayer and fasting September 18-28, 2020, with gatherings around the nation on Saturday, September 26. There will be a gathering for the State of Washington in Olympia from Noon until 2:00 p.m. on the north steps of the Capitol building.

State of Washington Education Issue
I encourage you to continue to educate yourself on the efforts on the sex education curriculum for the State of Washington (Initiative 1109) and curbing the governor’s emergency powers (Initiative 1114.)

Prayer/Action Chapter Leadership Opportunity
To give CWA members a voice in their communities, CWA’s Prayer/Action Chapters meet regularly to encourage informed prayer and action for our nation and its leaders. We do this by educating Christians on issues that affect our Biblically-based standards. Consider starting or joining a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community. Contact the state office for details.

Now is the time to pray and mobilize!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director