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Please Take Action on Behalf of the Unborn Children of Iowa

By February 25, 2011Iowa
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Please forward to those who respect the inalienable right to life.

HOUSE FILE 5 which bans late-term abortions is now in the Government Oversight Committee. It is very much alive and needing a push
from YOU.

HF 5 has been moved to the Government Oversight Committee which protects it past the funnel date. The Iowa Catholic Conference, Iowans for Life, Iowa Right to Life, Iowa Faith and Freedom Foundation, and CWA of Iowa stand together in support of HF 5. While we work to bring an end to abortion, we understand the journey there, unfortunately, is often incremental. It is the incremental gain over the last several years that has resulted in a new majority of Americans being pro-life bringing the movement continually closer to the day we can abolish abortion completely. In the meantime, please do not be confused or deceived by various groups asking you to work against HF 5 because it “isn’t pro-life enough”. CWA is also working to pass HF 153, the life at conception bill, even though its passage is slim. For now, we must work to pass HF 5 in an effort to save a few until we can save them all.

Pray: Pray for our state House representatives. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the horror of late-term abortion. May they no longer be deceived.

Take Action:

  • Please call your state House representative at 515-281-3221 and ask him/her to help bring HF 5 through the Government Oversight Committee, and then ask them to pass it when it comes to the House floor. Ask them, “Yes or no; will you stop late term abortions?” Or, e-mail them at For example, To find your legislator – go to:
  • Please call the House Government Oversight Committee members at 515-281-3221 and ask them to pass HF 5 out of committee. Or, e-mail them at For example,

    House Government Oversight Committee members:

    Chris Hagenow (R, District 59), Chair
    Chip Baltimore (R, District 48), Vice Chair
    Janet Petersen (D, District 64), Ranking Member
    Clel Baudler (R, District 58)
    Deborah L. Berry (D, District 22)
    Bob M. Kressig (D, District 19)
    Kim Pearson (R, District 42)
    Dawn E. Pettengill (R, District 39)
    David A. Tjepkes (R, District 50)

  • Attend legislative townhall meetings and ask all legislators to support and work to pass HF 5 quickly!

Background: Late Term Abortionist, LeRoy Carhart, has made it known that he intends to open a clinic in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Iowans have packed City Council meetings and are asking the legislature to give them cover by stopping this horrific practice from becoming an everyday occurrence in our state. Even those who promote abortion understand the cruelty and grotesque act of partially delivering a viable baby feet first only to kill it before it takes its first breath.

Again, please forward to those who respect the inalienable right to life. Thank you!

Be Blessed and Be Ready,

Tamara Scott
CWA of Iowa
P.O. Box 616
Ankeny, IA 50021