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Planned Parenthood Promotes Abandoning the “Safe” in “Safe and Legal Abortions”

By October 6, 2017Maine
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“Safe and Legal Abortion!”  Hasn’t that always been the mantra of the left?  Well, times have changed, and apparently “safety” has become too burdensome and restrictive.

Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued the state of Maine over a law, which was enacted in 1979, that requires that only medical doctors perform abortions and prohibits other medical staff from doing so.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court last month in Portland, Maine, alleged the law placed an undue burden on abortion access in the state, where more than 60 percent of its residents live in rural areas.

So, when did accessibility become more important than safety?  The hypocrisy is deafening.    Planned Parenthood will gain financially if they win this lawsuit.  Currently, abortions in Maine and nationwide are declining, and this lawsuit will allow for an increase in numbers.

Moreover, a win would set precedence to gain victory in other states with similar cases.

Maine has three abortion clinics which are located in Portland, Bangor and Augusta.  The ACLU of Maine predicts the number will increase to 18 clinics if they win this case.

While we are not sure when this will be heard in court, you can read the complaint here.

Please Take Action: There needs to be a public outcry.

  1. Write a letter to the editor as soon as possible stating your disdain for this lawsuit.   To find your local newspaper, click here.
  2. Pass this information on to friends and family and encourage them to pray and take action.

Please Pray:

  1. That this lawsuit will be stopped.
  2. That God will protect our county attorneys general and our state Attorney General, Janet Mills.  They will be the ones defending our state in this matter. Pray for wisdom and strategy for them and their staff.
  3. That all abortion clinics will shut down permanently in our great state.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

For Life!

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine
(207) 465-6015
Consider getting involved with CWA of Maine.  There has never been a better time than the present to impact the future! Christian, conservative women are positioned to make a difference in our nation.  For more information, please check out CWA of Maine at  You will be glad you did!