Phantom Abortion Compromise Gives Some Stupak Democrats Illusion of Cover

Washington, D.C. — Rep. Bart Stupak (D- Michigan) and five other formerly pro-life Democrats [Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-Ohio), Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D- Pennsylvania), Rep. Nick Rahall (D- West Virginia), Rep. Alan Mollohan (D- West Virginia), Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D- Ohio)] have reached a deal that would give them “political cover” to vote in favor of the President’s health care bill. Their sellout ensures that this bill will indeed be the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.

The deal made includes an illusory promise from the President that after his health care bill passes, he will sign an executive order to ensure that the Hyde Amendment is applied to the bill. However, it is the height of absurdity to trust the most pro-abortion President in history, especially in a back room deal he is surely using to scrape a few more votes from the bottom of the barrel.

Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) CEO Penny Nance said, “Our members know that under the Constitution of this country, Congress makes the laws of the country and not the President. This executive order is not worth the paper on which it’s written. An executive order from the President can be just as easily undone. The fact that Rep. Stupak says this is a strong statement by President Obama outlining his intent is utterly astounding especially since President Obama is the one who ensured that the Stupak-Pitts pro-life amendment was not included in the Senate bill.”

When confronted earlier by CWA regarding rumors that he would flip his vote, Rep. Stupak made it clear that he placed sole responsibility on the Senate for this expansion of abortion. Rep. Stupak and those formerly pro-life Democrats who followed his lead in this compromise cannot shirk their responsibility to protect the sanctity of human life. CWA and our members will take no excuses.