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Penny Nance Urges House Speaker Ryan to Return to Conservative Spending Principles

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Washington, D.C. – Today, Congress has voted to pass a trillion dollar funding deal, also referred to as the “Omnibus.” Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, issued the following statement in response:

“Congress is constitutionally obligated to create a budget to fund the federal government. The power of the purse – the power to determine the details of federal spending – is the only power designated to Congress, and a large spending bill, also referred to as an ‘Omnibus,’ strips Congress of this power.

“In addition to standard operating expenses of the federal government, this bill is packed with Washington favors for lobbyists and liberal interest groups. Unfortunately, this bill, despite its size and impact, was considered by both houses of Congress without any ability for the rank-and-file Member of Congress to amend the bill.

“The Omnibus funds too many of the priorities of President Barack Obama, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Although conservatives control both houses of Congress, this disaster of a bill funds ObamaCare, the Iran Deal, Planned Parenthood, and Obama’s illegal amnesty measure and is not reflective of conservative spending principles.

“We are disappointed at the spending precedent set by the previous House leadership and encourage Speaker Ryan to return to regular order once he is given the opportunity to start the process from the beginning in the second session. It is important that conservatives fight early, hard, and in a sustained manner for conservative policy priorities, the ones on which Republicans ran and won in 2014 and previously.”

For an interview with Penny Nance, please contact Janae Stracke at or 712-269-1724.