Penny Nance on Religious Liberty Case

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) and over 40 members of Congress filed an amicus brief to support Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Washington. CWA’s CEO and President Penny Nance made the following statement in support:

“Conservative women understand the fundamental principles of liberty enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We are thankful for Members of Congress who are unwavering in their commitment to protect them from recurring threats. To compel someone, as the Washington Supreme Court did in the case of Barronelle Stutzman, to use her artistic expression to support something that violates her conscience and tenets of her faith is an anathema to the Founders intent and to our Constitutional principles. It simply must not stand.”

Read the Entire Press Release from Sen. Marsha Blackburn Here: