Penny Nance Explains CWA ERA Position in the Media

Concerned Women for America’s CEO and President, Penny Nance, appeared on numerous programs this week explaining why we’re opposed to the ERA and why it’s harmful for women and for our nation:

Penny Nance interview on Equal Rights Amendment, “ERA is about Taxpayer-funded abortion.”

Penny Nance segment on The 700 Club addressing the Equal Rights Amendment.Penny’s Interview begins after a story on ERA at time-code: 5 minutes (5:00)


Read the Overview on Equal Rights Amendment on CBN News featuring Penny Nance.

Listen to Penny Nance discuss why she and some feminists want the ERA stopped on The Daily Signal Podcast.

Listen to the Bill Cunningham Podcast that features Penny Nance. Time-code: 98:00

American Family Radio interviews Penny Nance on Equal Rights Amendment. Time-code: 28:00