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Pennsylvania House Passes “Fairness” Act

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Update on HB 300, the “Fairness” Act

Yesterday, the discriminatory “Fairness” Act passed 102-98 and now proceeds to the Pennsylvania Senate.  

HB 300 adds sexual orientation and gender identity protections for housing, education, and public accommodations to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. The outcome of this bill will:

  • Allow biological males in women’s sports
  • Allow boy is girl’s bathrooms
  • Allow boys in girls’ locker room
  • Allow biological males in women’s shelters
  • Disciplines doctors for their religious, moral, or professional objections to sex reassignment surgery on children
  • Provide no religious exemptions and new ways for LGBTQ activists to sue Christian business owners such as florists, bakers, and photographers who do not want to provide services to homosexuals or someone who identifies as the opposite sex.

Action Items:

  1. Elections have consequences! Please spread the word to family members and friends living in the districts of the 102 Representatives who voted YES to broaden LGBTQ rights and jeopardize the safety of women and children. We must take note. Click here to find your Representative and then here to see how your Representative voted.
  2. Call, email, or write to your Representative and thank them if they voted NO on HB 300. If they voted YES, politely express your disappointment. If you are a Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania member, be sure to let them know.
  3. Forward this information to friends and family.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your engagement on the issues!  We couldn’t do it without you.

For such a time as this,
Dilonna M. Coran
State Director