Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will be voted on Tuesday, September 22: Calls and tweets needed!

By September 21, 2015Georgia

The United States Senate is scheduled to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in Tuesday, September 22, 2015.

The United States House of Representatives has already passed this bill with both Republican and Democrat support. Now it is up to our senators to ensure babies that feel pain at 20 weeks are protected.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S.1553) is one of the most crucial pieces of human rights legislation in Congress today. This legislation not only protects unborn babies who are 20 weeks post-fertilization age and can feel excruciating pain, it also protects women who are at an increasingly greater risk of harmful effects from late-term abortion.

Action Item #1: Both Georgia senators are co-signers of S.1553. Please call, e-mail or tweet their respective offices and thank them for standing for life, and to be sure to vote Yes on S. 1553.

  • Sen. John Isakson (R- Georgia): (202) 228-0724/E-mail/Twitter
  • Sen. David Perdue (R- Georgia): (202) 228-1031/E-mail/Twitter

Action Item #2: Please call the offices of the senators on CWA’s targeted list below and urge them to support S. 1553, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

  • Sen. Donnelly (D-Indiana): (202) 224-4814
  • Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania): (202) 224-6324
  • Sen. Murkowski (R-Alaska): (202) 224-6665
  • Sen. Gardner (R-Colorado): (202) 224-5941
  • Sen. Kirk (R-Illinois): (202) 224-2854
  • Sen. Collins (R-Maine): (202) 224-2523
  • Sen. Heller (R-Nevada): (202) 224-6244
  • Sen. Capito Moore (R-West Virginia): (202) 224-6472

Click here for Twitter handles.

Action Item #3: Take part in CWA’s social media campaign. We will be using the hashtag #TheyFeelPain and tweeting especially at the target Senate list. Be sure to use the tag @CWforA so that we can retweet and share.

We need YOU to speak on behalf of the defenseless! Don’t delay, call today!