Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will be voted on next week! Call your Senators TODAY!

By September 18, 2015Hawaii

Friends, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, S. 1553, is up for a vote early next week. If passed, this important piece of legislation would protect the most vulnerable human beings at 20 weeks, a point in development when they are able to feel the excruciating pain of late-term abortion.

Please call your Hawaii senators as well as the senators on our target list below and urge them to support S. 1553, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Sen. Hirono (D-Hawaii): (202) 224-6361
Sen. Schatz (D-Hawaii): (202) 224-3934

Target list:
Sen. Donnelly (D-Indiana): (202) 224-4814
Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania): (202) 224-6324
Sen. Murkowski (R-Alaska): (202) 224-6665
Sen. Gardner (R-Colorado): (202) 224-5941
Sen. Kirk (R-Illinois): (202) 224-2854
Sen. Collins (R-Maine): (202) 224-2854
Sen. Heller (R-Nevada): (202) 224-2854
Sen. Capito Moore (R-West Virginia): (202) 224-6472

We need YOU to speak on behalf of the defenseless! Don’t delay, call today!