October 11 Action Alert – For Such a Time as This

By October 11, 2017Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

Autumn greetings to you!  After a short hiatus from my Concerned Women for America (CWA) role in August, I was off to attend the CWA Leadership Training Conference in September. The conference’s theme was “Our history lies before us … For such a time as this.” This quote is a reference to Queen Esther’s bold appearance before her husband, the king, to plead for her people’s protection and future in the midst of a pagan culture.  The conference educated and encouraged CWA leaders from around the nation and allowed plenty of time to pray with one another. We prayed for our nation’s future and for a new infusion of Biblical values and Constitutional principles through the prayer, education, and action of our fellow CWA leaders.

We enjoyed hearing from several speakers such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) at our Capitol Hill Briefing, and Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President, and others in the administration at the White House briefing.  I was blessed to lead the group in prayer on religious freedom, as others led in prayer for our other six core issues during our wonderful time of worship on the last day.


 We have several courageous Christian brothers and sisters in our state who have taken a bold stand for the free exercise of their religious liberty rights.  Coach Joe Kennedy lost his case before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in August, but he has re-filed his case for a hearing before the entire panel of judges in the same court to retain his individual right to pray privately in a public place.  Click here to view Fox News’ August 24 coverage.  Since becoming a God-free zone, our public schools have become increasingly hostile to Christian religious expression.  Pray that Joe Kennedy will win his case as one small step toward reinforcing our First Amendment rights.

Florist Barronelle Stutzman continues to stand for her religious liberty and ability to live by her sincerely held beliefs in her privately owned business. The question is whether the government has the right to compel citizens to participate in events contrary to their religious principles. According to her lawyer Kristen Waggoner, the next step is to ask the United States Supreme Court to reverse the Washington court’s ruling.  Please pray that SCOTUS accepts this case and that our First Amendment rights are confirmed.

In Colorado, Baker Jack Phillips operates his business according to his Christian convictions and thus, was unwilling to use his creative talents to help celebrate a non-traditional marriage.  His case, Masterpiece Cakeshop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, is headed to the U. S. Supreme Court and CWA has filed an amicus brief supporting Phillips’ freedom of speech and the free exercise clause of the First Amendment.  Pray for a successful outcome for Mr. Phillips and for our religious freedom.

CWA Legal Counsel Mario Diaz expressed our concerns and the need for prayer in his recent article, Of Bakes and Stakes.

Continue to pray boldly for our country’s future as “One Nation Under God”.


 CWA of Washington Educational MeetingOn Saturday, November 4, CWA will host a members’ meeting in Everett with the theme “Restore Us, O God” from Psalm 80:3.  Two well-known speakers will address CWA’s core issues: Family, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, and Education.  For more details and to view and print a flyer, go to our state website. Join us for lunch and fellowship at noon!  Registration deadline is Friday, October 27.  If you are a current member of CWA in the Everett area, you should have received a postcard recently.

If you need to update your membership, please click here and donate. Your contribution will support CWA activities in the state. Or, click here to print, fill out, and send in a membership form.

As of the start of this school year, Washington schools are now teaching new learning standards for health and physical education starting in kindergarten (follow the thread through Health Education Standards, Core Idea:  Sexual Health, #5 Self Identity).  If districts fully adopt the standards, politically correct concepts of gender identity and gender expression will be taught to children without parental approval.  I have previously written about this threat to every family’s right to guide their children’s moral upbringing.  This overstep by the state undermines that right.  Please be in prayer about this issue, and then educate yourself by accessing the website above and talking with other parents, as well as your children’s teachers.  Attend school board meetings and express your educated concerns about this issue.


 Young Women for America:  Are your daughters or granddaughters concerned about the anti-Christian influences and environment in their high schools or universities?  Check out the website for CWA’s mission to grow Young Women for America.  Currently, there are YWA chapters at Seattle University and Seattle Pacific University. You may contact the national office through that website for more information.

 40 Days for Life: The sanctity of life is one of CWA’s seven core issues, so we encourage you to pray and take action by participating in this peaceful and prayerful semiannual event. This fall’s campaign runs from September 27 – November 5. There are seven Washington state locations: Everett, Mount Vernon, Olympia, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, Vancouver, and Wenatchee. Click here to find where the closest gathering is to you. This is the largest fall 40 Days for Life campaign ever and is taking place in more than 715 cities around the world!  By the grace of God, 40 Days for Life has achieved proven results such as 13,305 babies spared from abortion, 154 abortion worker conversions, and 85 closed abortion centers. Join in this national campaign to save lives! If you are unable to attend a prayer gathering, please use this time for extra prayer to defend our God-given right to life.

Prayer Vigil for Life, Bellevue is based on 40 Days for Life and aims to encourage peaceful prayer on the sidewalk outside the Bellevue Planned Parenthood. Go to their website for information about their group, instructions, pro-life talking points, printable and pre-printed resources, and parking information.

It’s time to put feet to your prayers! As members of CWA, we all feel the call to stand boldly with hope to restore the Biblical values which have distinguished this nation as “One Nation Under God”.   If you would like to carry out this calling by bringing a CWA Prayer/Action Chapter or Home Team Network to your community, please fill out and send in the Application for Leadership, or contact the state office.  We would love to connect with you and help you establish a group of prayer warriors to stand for righteousness in your community, our state, and our nation!

For such a time as this,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072