The Cultivate Your Capitol Grounds for Life prayer event was a beautiful time to gather and pray at the State Capitol in Bismarck for the efforts of our state legislators to protect life. It was a time of thanksgiving and a time to pray for Godly wisdom and discernment to abound throughout the Capitol. Thanks to all who were able to attend.
If you would like your own copy of the brochure, Cultivate Your Capitol Grounds, contact State Director Linda Thorson at
Prayer for State Efforts
Holy Father,
We tremble at the thought of Your perfection
And our many failing to live up
To the calling You’ve placed on our lives.
But we stand in Your righteousness.
We are confident in Your perfect plan.
Though thousands may fall at our side,
We will fight in the name of the Lord.
That is how we engage the battle for life
In every state of this land, seeking
To establish the basic principle that every life
Is precious and intrinsically valuable as created in the image of God.
Continue to direct our efforts, Lord,
Keep us focused on the basic task of protecting mothers
And the unborn child from unnecessary harm.
Grant us much success, Father God.
We know the enemy prowls on every side,
Seeking death and destruction,
Bringing loneliness and shame to women.
He loves to place doubts in man’s heart.
But we stand guard – fully armored –
To withstand the devil’s schemes in these evil days.
We stand firm with the belt of truth.
And the breastplate of righteousness.
Our feet fitted with the gospel of peace
Ready us to stand firm.
We take up the shield of faith,
Refusing to rely on our own understanding.
Taking the helmet of salvation,
We understand that victory is already ours.
And with the sword of the Spirit of God-Your Word,
We defeat every lie and deception and the policies they promote.
Renew our strengths, Lord.
Give us elected officials willing to fight
And engage in the same manner,
Fully aware and willing to fight for Truth.
In Christ, Amen
“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Through it cost all you have, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:6,7
Linda Thorson
State Director