North Dakota House Judiciary Committee to Consider the Value of Prayer in Schools

By January 26, 2017North Dakota

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Yesterday I testified before the House Judiciary Committee in support of House Bill 1275 “relating to the recitation of prayer at parochial or private school-sanctioned activities.”  Click here to read my testimony and here to read the bill and track its status.

House Bill 1275 is a respectable bill.  It says that if a “school-sanctioned athletic activity” is held at a parochial or private school, neither the “association nor any other entity” may prohibit prayers.

House Bill 1275 is needed. Two private schools, Shiloh Christian School in Bismarck and Shanley Catholic School in Fargo, were prohibited from having students pray over the public address system, which normally happened before every home football game. Rep. Kim Koppelman (R-West Fargo), bill sponsor, was recently quoted in The Bismarck Tribune, West Fargo Lawmaker Tackles Pre-Game Prayers in New Bill.  This is a helpful article that explains the need for this legislation.

It is very important that you contact lawmakers on the committee to voice your approval of HB 1275.  Every email and phone call is counted!  A vote is expected any day.

Take Action:  Call and/or email those on the North Dakota House Judiciary Committee.  Ask them to support prayer in schools and to please vote a “Do Pass” on HB 1275. Be sure to tell them that you are associated with Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

Committee members:

Rep. Kim Koppleman (Chairman) at and 701-282-9267. Be sure to thank him for sponsoring HB 1275.

Rep. Karen Karls at and 701-258-6836

Rep. Jake Bloom at

Rep. Karla Rose Hanson at and 701-793-9181

Rep. Terry B. Jones at and 307-272-1915

Rep. Lawrence R. Klemin at and 701-222-2577

Rep. Jeffery J. Magrum at and 70-331-2224

Rep. Andrew G. Maragos at and 701-852-3862

Rep. Marvin Nelson at and 701-550-9731

Rep. Gary Paul at and 218-791-0491

Representative Sharon M. Roers at and 701-356-5050

Rep. Bernie Satrom at and 701-252-4065

Rep. Luke Simons at and 701-483-0013

Rep. Steve Vetter at and 612-770-8689

Side note: During my testimony, two committee members asked me two different questions.  One asked if I thought there was no prayer in schools now and another asked if all of our ladies in the state support my testimony.  I kindly replied to the first with, “I am a retired teacher after being in the classroom for 26 years. I know I didn’t hear as much prayer as I heard when I began teaching.  Now, very little prayer is heard.” And to the second I said, “Religious Liberty is one of Concerned Women for America’s Core Issues.  Our members do see this as a good bill as it supports one of our Core Issues.  You may note from my testimony, we believe prayer should be permitted in all schools, including public schools.”  It is very important that these committee members hear a strong message from the women of North Dakota and that you are associated with Concerned Women for America of North Dakota!

Pray:  Please pray for each committee member by name.  Ask the Lord to give each one the courage to do what is right.

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota