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More Federal Control Over Maine Education Proposed — Let’s Speak up Against it!

By January 26, 2017Maine
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Stop the government from interfering with your child’s freedom to inquire and disseminate ideas in science and engineering education!

Yesterday,  I testified on behalf of Concerned Women for America of Maine at a hearing before the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee on L.D. #49, grossly misnamed “An Act to Improve Science and Engineering Education for Maine Students.” There was no “improvement” in this proposal.

This is a federal government overreach. This bill requires the Department of Education to include the so-called Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for students in kindergarten to grade 12 in the state’s system of learning results and assessment.  NGSS is part of Common Core, which puts more control in the hands of the federal government and out of the hands of our capable state.

NGSS programs young minds toward a particular philosophical viewpoint, rather than experimental observation, with the aim of promoting social activism.  Theory is taught as fact.

Maine students should have the freedom to explore and do research in science.  No boundaries should be placed on where the research takes the student, especially if it is politically, religiously or instructionally oriented.

Committee members need to hear from you!

Status: The Education and Cultural Affairs Committee is expected to schedule a work session concerning L.D. #49 sometime within this legislative session and then vote on it soon after.

Click here to read the bill, track its status and more.

Take Action:

  • Please encourage each member of the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee to vote “ought not to pass” on L.D. #49. Be sure to let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine. This increases my influence as a Director when I make contact with their offices. Click here for each committee member’s contact information. If one of these members represents your district, make an extra effort to contact them and be sure to let them know that you live within their district.  Click here to find out who represents you.
  • Please pass this information on to friends and family.

Pray: Please pray that this bill does not pass. “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”  (Psalm 127:3)

More information:

 A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and our children deserve the best education possible.  We must keep education local and in the hands of those who know our children best and desire to have them succeed freely, not be brainwashed.

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine
(207) 465-6015

Consider contributing to CWA of Maine today. Please give as generously as you can. We are 100 percent volunteers and therefore put 100 percent of the donations given toward the work at hand.  Donate online right now or send a check to: 864 Manchester Road, Belgrade, ME 04917.  Write the check out to “Concerned Women for America” and be sure to put “CWA of Maine” on the memo line.

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to give in a way that will affect the future for the better.