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Action Alert: North Carolina House Overrides Governor’s Veto to Protect Religious Liberty

By June 12, 2015North Carolina
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Yesterday, on Thursday, June 11, in a 69-41 decision, the North Carolina House voted to override Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto of SB 2 — Magistrates Recusal for Civil Ceremonies. This strong common sense religious freedom bill will now become law in North Carolina.

CWA of North Carolina gives thanks to the Lord for hearing our prayers. We celebrate the courageous leadership of the North Carolina legislators who took a strong stand for religious freedom.

SB 2 is “an act to allow magistrates, assistant registers of deeds, and deputy registers of deeds to recuse themselves from performing duties related to marriage ceremonies due to sincerely held religious objection.”

At least 16 magistrates in North Carolina have lost their jobs for obeying their consciences because of their strongly held convictions of religious faith. Every American is guaranteed the freedom to live and work consistent with their faith without unnecessary government interference. The government doesn’t have a license to punish Americans for exercising their civil rights. SB 2 will protect religious freedoms as protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as well as by Article I, Sec. 13 of the North Carolina Constitution, which states that “no human authority shall ever interfere with the rights of conscience.”

We respectfully disagree with Gov. McCrory’s earlier decision to veto SB 2. This decision by our Republican Governor dismissed the majority opinion. This is the majority who voted on May 8 in favor of traditional marriage. This is the majority that was expressed as both the state House and Senate voted in favor of SB 2. It appears the Governor completely dismissed the majority in favor of a select few in the LGBT community. This is troubling.

We hope Gov. McCrory has recognized the error of his ways for surely there will be religious liberty issues on which to rule in the future.

View CWA of North Carolina’s June 1 and June 12 press releases expressing disapproval of the Governor’s veto and then approval of the legislatures veto override.

Take Action!

  • Check and see how your representative and senator voted on SB 2. If they voted for it, contact them and thank them for their courageous leadership and vote to override the Governor’s veto. If they voted against the veto override, respectfully express your disappointment. Don’t know who your legislators are or how to contact them? No problem. Click here to find out.
  • Please forward this action alert on to like-minded friends, family, pastors and acquaintances and ask them to take action.

Praise and Prayer:

  • Praise the Lord that SB 2 will become law in our great state!
  • Pray the Governor has seen/will see the error of his ways.
  • Pray our legislators and Governor will be guided by God’s truth and wisdom to support future religious liberty legislation in our great state.
  • Pray for the activist opponents to SB 2 who are roaring with loud threats to riot: that they will, “turn from darkness to light, from the dominion of Satan to God, to receive an inheritance of faith, in Christ Jesus” Acts 26:18.

Thank you for all your prayers, e-mails and phone calls in support of religious liberty. The Lord has truly blessed your efforts!

As you may know, CWA of North Carolina is run by all volunteers. Therefore, all contributions go directly to the work at hand. Please consider donating to CWA today. Mail to CWA of North Carolina, P.O. Box 472903, Charlotte, NC 28247. Or, make it easy, donate online.

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” 2 Corinthians 3:17