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No More U Pitt Funding!

By June 15, 2023Pennsylvania

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: “I am the Lord, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by Myself.” Isaiah 44:24

Last year, the University of Pittsburg received $155 million in taxpayer dollars in the state budget. Evidence has revealed that part of this money was used to continue fetal tissue research from aborted baby parts.

And here we go again! At this writing, there is work in the State Legislature to bundle all of the Non-Preferred Universities together to protect the University of Pitt’s funding by adding School Choice dollars for K-12 in order to secure the votes needed for the Non-Preferred’s appropriation for the University of Pittsburg, Penn State, Temple, and Lincoln University.

The type of medical and scientific research on fetal tissue must be stopped, and Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania will not back down! The University of Pittsburg must be held accountable for the experimentation on aborted babies. 

Take Action!

  1. Time is of the essence! Call or e-mail your State Representative today through our Action Center here and urge them to stop taxpayer funding of the University of Pittsburg until they stop fetal tissue experimentation.
  2. Forward this e-mail to like-minded friends and family. Encourage them to pray and take action on this important legislation.  

 Pray: Father, we thank you that all life is made in your image. Nothing escapes your careful watch and notice. We ask that you would give our legislators wisdom and clarity. Embolden their hearts to stand in the face of mounting pressure and to be a voice raised for those who cannot speak for themselves. Oh God, give us opportunities to show your love and alternative options to women facing desperate situations. Let hearts and minds be softened to see the intrinsic value of each life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

For such a time as this,
Dilonna M. Coran
State Director