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Merry Christmas from CWA of Virginia!

By December 20, 2022Virginia
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Concerned Women for America of Virginia
Wishes you a Merry Christmas!

As Christmas Day approaches, we reflect on what the Lord has done in and through us this year. We stand amazed at the reality of Jesus’ presence with us as we visited legislators, participated in multiple pro-life events, encouraged legislators with daily prayer and weekly hand-written notes, grew our prayer/action footprint throughout the state, and so much more. Our Lord has been with us in our times of rejoicing and success and in our times of discouragement and defeat.

We are grateful to God for your involvement in the ministry of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Virginia. Whether you are a participating member or in a leadership role, your engagement in your community and in the Commonwealth has made a significant difference for good.

We are looking ahead to 2023 and all that lies ahead with great anticipation. We believe that with concerted prayer, seeking the Lord’s wisdom in all that we do, extending both truth and grace in all that we do, that new doors of opportunity will be opened, the Lord will be glorified, and His perfect will, will be done.

We are so thankful for each of you and your partnership with CWA of Virginia. We have seen Jesus’ presence in the rich relationships that He has blessed us with over this past year. Your prayers and financial support allow us to stand at the ready, come what may.

CWA of Virginia’s team is ready to engage in a post-Roe America! We are poised, positioned, and prepared to execute CWA’s post-Roe America ground game. Thru intentional prayer, education, and action, we will bring back a culture of life in our state!

Thank you for standing with us in 2023!

Teresa Pregnall
State Director