Meet Our Summer Intern: Faith Ozenbaugh

By July 28, 2022News and Events

Hello! My name is Faith Ozenbaugh, and I am overjoyed to be a part of the Concerned Women for America (CWA) team this summer as the Donor Relations intern. I am from a small town in the Central Valley of California, where my family farms almonds. Living in Washington, D.C., has been a fun adjustment for me, and I am loving the east coast life and getting to work alongside so many wonderful people here at CWA’s National Headquarters.


I just finished my sophomore year at California Baptist University (Lance Up!), where I am double majoring in Public Relations and Christian Behavioral Science. I am involved in what some say is “too many things,” including singing in the University Choir and Orchestra, being a campus tour guide, playing intramurals (of which flag football is my favorite J), and serving in children’s ministry at my church. My first two years of college have been so fruitful as I learn to understand the depth of God’s grace and what it means to walk by faith every day.


When I started to think about what I wanted to do for the summer, I assumed I would be interning for a small non-profit back home and continuing to teach swim lessons as I’ve done for the past five summers. But God had a different plan for me, and I am so grateful that I answered His call to come to Washington, D.C. It has been incredible to see Him orchestrating my every step leading up to this time, and I sit in awe as He weaves together my story for His glory. CWA has truly been the best place I have ever had the privilege of working, and I have learned so much even in the short time I’ve been here.  


Growing up, I was always told I had a “zest for life,” but I often didn’t know where to direct my passion. I enjoyed sports and music, but I wanted to combine my heart for the Lord and my passion for conservative values in a tangible way. Enter … CWA! I love the heart of this organization and their boldness in action. I firmly believe that any righteous change we wish to see on earth starts with Christians. Of CWA’s seven core issues, the sanctity of life is one issue about which I am extremely passionate. I yearn to see abortion end with my generation and for our nation to turn its eyes upon Jesus.


In the future, I plan to obtain my master’s degree, and I hope to use my love for public speaking and writing as a full-time career, in whatever sphere or capacity that may be. I pray that the Lord will continue to direct me where He would have me impact the most people and best serve Him.


Pro-life speaker Seth Gruber, once said, “What we do in this life echoes in eternity.” This truth always sticks with me. I pray that my life would echo a love for family, country, and above all, a deep love for Christ. I am so thankful for this season of life, and I look forward to continuing the mission of CWA during my time here!