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February 27 Prayer/Action Alert: For Freedom!

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Thomas Jefferson advised, “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Washington seeks to inform our members so that they can pray and take action effectively. Please diligently read this prayer/action alert, and both pray and take action.  For freedom!

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: I realize it can be overwhelming to have all these bills come to you at one time, so please consider studying and responding to just one bill per day or take action on those that most concern you.

Click here to find out who your legislators are and how to contact them. You can call the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. or Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., to easily leave a message for any of your three state legislators. Please identify yourself as a member of Concerned Women for America of Washington and politely express your opinion.

Click on the bill number to check the status and for additional bill information.

URGENT! Substitute SB 5395 mandates comprehensive sexual health education for all public schools.CWA opposes this bill.

Consider opting your child/children out of sex education– As the state seeks to promote its definition of healthy relationships, the Body of Christ must continue to stand for God’s principles. Parents can opt their children out of the state standards for “comprehensive sexual health education” by submitting a written request to the school district’s board of directors or their school’s principal. They may also review the curriculum offered in their child’s school by written request.
Current Status: 2/27 Senate floor vote: First substitute bill passed 28:21. March 1:  First reading, referred to Education.
Take Action: Call your state representatives today and urge them to vote NO on SB 5395!

SB 5082 promoting and expanding social-emotional learning. CWA opposes this bill.
Current status:  2/28 Passed to Rules Committee for 2ndreading. Not yet scheduled for floor vote.

Take Action: Call your senator and ask for a NO vote on SB 5082. Our schools are failing to teach basic needed educational skills; school hours must be dedicated to the three R’s.

SB 5683 and HB 1771– companion bills relating to establishing the Welcome to Washington Baby Act to create family supports through universal home visiting programs and a statewide family linkage program for resources and referrals. CWA opposes these bills.

Current status: SB 5683 and HB 1771: Both these bills have been stopped for this session, since they missed the March 1 deadline for moving out of fiscal committees.  While stopped for now, they could re-appear in a special session.
No action needed at this time.

SB 5185 for abortion notification died in committee.

SB 5356, relating to establishing the Washington state LGBTQ commission. CWA opposes this bill.

This commission is clearly intended to 1) improve and advocate for LGBTQ interface and equity in all aspects of state government, 2) advocate for legislation affecting LGBTQ people, 3) work as a liaison between the public and private sectors to eliminate barriers to economic and health equity, and 4) calls for the celebration of LGBTQ in art, etc. There is no provision for religious or moral objection anywhere in this bill. Would churches and other religious organizations eventually be forced to comply with the goals of the bill?
Current status: Senate Ways & Means passed this bill and referred it to Rules Committee.
Take Action: Contact your state senator and ask for a NO vote on SB 5356.

HB 1016 relating to hospital notification of availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection…CWA supports this bill.

Current status: Passed in the House 96:0.
In the Senate: February 11 First reading, referred to Health & Long-Term Care Committee.

Take action: Call your senator and ask for a YES vote on this bill.


In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143

Woodinville, WA 98072

Thank you for supporting our work.  Please consider donating online to CWA of Washington.  If you prefer to donate by check, please write your check to “Concerned Women for America,” put “CWA of WA” on the memo line, and send it to the address above.