March 6 Action Alert – The Faith of Our Founders

By March 6, 2015Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Members,washington-praying

Recently, two symbols of our nation keep coming to mind: The picture of General George Washington holding the reins of his horse while kneeling in prayer in the snow and the patriotic stars-and-stripes lapel-pin cross of Christ that clearly connects our nation’s foundation to our heritage of Biblical faith and principles.

During the Revolutionary War, Abigail Adams wrote this to her husband, John Adams:

“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but the God of Israel is He that giveth strength and power unto His people. Trust in Him at all times, ye people, pour out your hearts before Him; God is a refuge for us…Almighty God, cover the heads of our countrymen, and be a shield to our dear friends…” June 18, 1775

As I prayed outside a Planned Parenthood clinic last week, my heart was broken for the mothers walking into the clinic with their small children in hand. I was also disturbed that I was standing alone as part of a peaceful prayer vigil in solidarity with the 40 Days for Life campaign. The apathy of God’s people in this nation is so discouraging! It is in direct contract to the two symbols and letter referred to above.

“Wake up, America!” is the battle cry the Body of Christ should be using, along with confession and repentance for our apathy, our disobedience, our fear, and our failure to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29 ) and to occupy this land until our Lord’s return (Luke 19:13).

Where is His church? Where is the Body of Christ? Where are you?

Let’s not abandon our brethren around the world who are being martyred daily by God’s enemies. Those same enemies are within and just outside our compromised borders. Please pray, educate yourselves and take action with Concerned Women for America!

CWA CEO and President Penny Nance is standing with other women to counter the “war on women” rhetoric of our opponents by hosting a panel with outstanding speakers called “War No More Panel”.


Please continue to pray for Baronnelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, as she stands for the freedom to live out our First Amendment right to religious liberty. Her courageous stand deserves our support in prayer and action. Please politely express your educated opinion on this issue to the office of Attorney General Bob Ferguson by calling 360-753-6200 or through the web by clicking here.

Also lift up continuing prayers for Ken and Lynn Stormans, owners of a pharmacy in Olympia, for their strong, persevering stand against participation in the abortion business.

Pray for Stutzman’s and Stormans’ legal counsel’s wisdom and God’s direction for righteous defense of their religious liberty. Pray for their continuing strength and courage and support from the believing Christian community. Praise God for the national attention brought to Stutzman’s case. Both of these cases are crucial in the battle to preserve “liberty and justice for all” as stated in our national Pledge of Allegiance. In both cases, there were multiple options for the customers to be served elsewhere, but Washington State has insisted that every person and business celebrate whatever the politicians and bureaucrats define as legally mandated, despite sincerely held religious or moral beliefs to the contrary.


Bellevue Prayer Vigil for Life from February 18 – March 29, 2015 at the new location of Planned Parenthood (14730 N. E. 8th St., Bellevue, WA 98007). Pray, fast and witness for human life with other pro-lifers! Prayer with action: CWA’s way! For more information go to

40 Days for Life from February 18 – March 29, 2015. Click here for a location near you.


Contact your legislators now! Legislative Hotline is 1-800-562-6000!

Senate Bill 5289: Parental notice before underage abortion

This bill requires a parent to be notified before an abortion can be performed on a minor. This bill may come to the Senate floor within the week, so it’s critical that your voice is heard now.

Talking points:

  • Thirty-eight states have laws requiring parental notice or consent before an abortion can be performed on a minor. These laws necessarily protect the rights of parents, as well as the health and welfare of our teenagers.
  • Washington parents and teenagers deserve the same protections that are taken for granted in 38 other states.
  • Parental consent or notice is already required for most other kinds of non-emergency medical treatment (medications at school or camp, body piercings, tattoos). Abortion should not be treated differently.
  • Polling shows that 65 percent of Washington voters support requiring parental notice before abortion. We stood up and fought before and must do so again in order to preserve religious liberty as well as moral and conscience choices for the state’s citizens.
  • Our legislators are elected to represent OUR rights and our views, not to dictate them!

Take Action: Call 1-800-562-6000 to send a message to your senator urging him/her to SUPPORT SB 5289. Or, contact your senator by email. To find out who your senator is and to send an email message click here.

House Bill 1647: Abortion insurance mandate

This bill would force every insurance provider in the state to cover abortion on demand in every policy issued. It forces pro-life Washington residents to subsidize abortion through insurance premiums. This bill could also potentially be on the House floor within the next week, so your action is needed now.

Talking points:

  • This bill violates the conscience rights of Washington residents who want to choose an insurance plan that does NOT cover abortion.
  • This bill is a solution in search of a problem. During hearings in the Legislature, no evidence was presented that women have trouble accessing abortion in the state due to their insurance policies.
  • Abortion is not essential health care – it is an elective procedure. State government should not be dictating to insurance companies what elective procedures to include in their policies. That should be left to the marketplace and individual choice. We stood up and fought before and must do so again in order to preserve religious liberty as well as moral and conscience choices for the state’s citizens. Choice is not just for abortion.

Take Action: Call 1-800-562-6000 to send a message to your two representatives in the House, urging them to OPPOSE HB 1647. You can also contact your representatives by email, just click here.

SB 5215 An act relating to establishing the Washington internet crimes against children account

As stated in last month’s alert, although CWA is hesitant to support anything that grows government, this bill would create an account dedicated to respond “to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and internet crimes against children”. In the interest of our families and our children’s innocence, we are supporting this bill as it moves through the system. The bill does not raise taxes but funds the task force through unclaimed prizes in the state lottery account.
Current status: March 3, placed on second reading by Rules Committee, which means it may be voted on any day.

Take Action: Call 1-800-562-6000 to send a message to your two representatives in the House. Encourage them to OPPOSE SB 5215. Or, contact your representatives by email. To find out who your representatives are and to send an email message click here.

Stand Up and Speak out!

Contact your legislators and politely speak your mind on these issues! Our families and our elected officials need our involvement! Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000; Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; closed 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. and holidays.


CWA has Prayer/Action Chapters all around the nation. Through those chapters, we educate our members to enable them to pray and take action on issues related to our Biblical faith. When approached by the authorities and told to stop their public witness, Peter and the other apostles said, “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Can we do any less? Consider who you can unite in prayer for a chapter in your area and send in the attached Leadership Application!

Encourage a Legislator Campaign: It is not too late to pray for a state legislator! Please contact the state office to sign up!

“Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God.” Exodus 18:21

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
PO Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072

Please click here to renew your CWA membership for 2015 and/or hereto apply for a CWA leadership position.