Mainers: Help Protect Election Integrity!

By March 4, 2021Maine

We all have a stake in protecting election integrity at every level in our nation. Our constitutional rights and liberties depend on the zealous protection of free and fair elections. If we do not protect our voting process, we won’t enjoy our freedom as we have known it.

L.D. 580, a bad resolution that seeks to amend the Constitution of Maine regarding early voting procedures, will have a hearing on Monday, March 8, in the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee. The hearing starts at 10:30 a.m.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine believes we must seek to tighten voting procedures to ensure all entitled to vote may vote and no one vote who is not eligible. However, voter fraud is real, and seeking to enshrine early voting into the state constitution is a step in the wrong direction.

“Choose for your tribes wise, understanding, and experienced men, and I will appoint them as your heads.” Deuteronomy 1:13

Take Action:

  • Contact the members of the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee listed below my signature. Urge them to oppose L.D. 580. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine, be sure to let the committee members know.
  • Consider submitting testimony in opposition of L.D. 580. Information concerning testimonies for the committee may be found here. You can submit your written testimony or submit and read your testimony during the committee hearing. All committee hearings are being held online through Zoom.
  • Please forward this e-alert to friends and family.

Please Pray: Dear Father, please call Your people to protect the integrity of our elections and especially not amend our State Constitution to eliminate all protections of the voting process.  Thank You for all our freedoms that come from You and for giving us the responsibility of keeping them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

“By Me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.” Proverbs 8:16

Penny Morrell
State Director

Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee
Sen. Louis Luchini of Hancock-Chair (D-District 7)
Sen. Susan Deschambault (D-District 32)
Sen. Brad Farrin (R-District 3)
Rep. Chris Caiazzo – Chair (D-District 28)
Rep. Patrick Corey (R-District 25)
Rep. Josanne Dolloff (R-District 115)
Rep. Matthew Harrington (R-District 19)
Rep. MaryAnne Kinney (R-District 99)
Rep. Jay McCreight (D-District 51)
Rep. Morgan Rielly (D-District 34)
Rep. Laura Supica (D-District 126)
Rep. John Tuttle (D-District 18)
Rep. Barbara Wood (D-District 38)