Maine June Primary Voter Guide for Governor

By May 18, 2018Maine

Political television ads, radio ads, mail pieces, and yard signs must mean one thing – this is election season!  If you have not voted early, please be sure to vote Tuesday, June 12, in the primary election. Voter turnout is typically low in a non-presidential election year, but I cannot think of a more critical year to cast your vote than this year when we want to keep the momentum going to make Maine great again.  Gov. LePage is termed out.

Voters have a significant impact upon the laws and government of this state and nation. It is important that we be informed, educated voters. We should know the candidates and the issues.

  • Who will best represent your values and concerns?
  • What are the candidates’ positions on current issues affecting you and your family?
  • Are the candidates’ campaign speeches in alignment with their voting record?
  • Who is endorsing each candidate?
  • How did each candidate vote on important issues in the past?

Be proactive – an uneducated vote is a wasted vote!

  1. Study voter guides/candidate surveys. Here is a candidate survey for governor. We are blessed, honored and thankful to partner and share the Christian Civic League of Maine’s voter guide with you for candidates running in Maine.  Click here and follow the instructions to learn the candidates’ positions on issues we care about from those who responded to the questions.
  2. Attend candidate forums or watch them online.
  3. Visit the website and social media pages of each candidate.
  4. Listen to talk radio and watch state and national news.

While we are citizens of the United States of America, foremost, we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our vote should mirror God’s views.

The institution of government was ordained by God. It is our duty, as Christians and citizens, to be active participants in the governmental process. Therefore, seek the Lord’s wisdom through prayer (and fasting) before you cast your vote.

 View CWA’s brochure What’s Your Vote Worth?

“Select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and ten” (Exodus 18:21).

Thank you for making a difference for the Kingdom of God here in Maine!

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine