Looking For a Way to Make a Difference in 2017? CWA of North Dakota Has Opportunities Waiting For You!

By February 8, 2017North Dakota

What does it mean to be a Christian?  It means, of course, to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40). In church, Bible studies and through Christian books, we often take in information about loving God.  This is wonderful, and it should be our #1 priority, but let me talk to you right now about #2, how you can love your neighbor through the ministry of CWA of North Dakota.

Consider making a difference in the lives of others in 2017 on the issues that are important to you – sanctity of life, defense of the family, education, religious liberty, sexual exploitation, support for Israel, and national sovereignty. Every one of these issues affects the life, liberty and happiness of our neighbor.   Join the team, we’ll do it together.  You are needed!

I have been asked when giving testimony during the 2017 North Dakota Legislative Session about our membership rolls.  Let’s keep Concerned Women for America of North Dakota the largest public policy women’s organization in our state!  Anyone that shares our passion for the issues above is welcome to join – women, men and teens are all welcome to participate. See below for more information.

Here are a handful of opportunities for involvement.  Whether you have a lot of time or just a little, there is a place for you. Prayerfully read through this list.

  • Continue responding to our e-alerts and forwarding them on to like-minded friends, family and pastors. It is your prayers and action that make all the difference.
  • Participate in a local Prayer/Action Chapter in your area.
  • Consider being a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader. The Prayer/Action Chapter Leader plans and oversees monthly Prayer/Action Chapter meetings in a church or community. The emphasis is threefold: pray, educate and act.  Each leader is provided with a monthly Prayer/Action Newsletter that includes an inspirational piece, legislative updates, action items, prayer items, and praises.  The newsletter is designed for use as a guide for the monthly meetings.
  • Join CWA of North Dakota for the first time or renew your membership. The suggested tax-deductible donation is $25 for a year’s membership; however, a donation of any amount is accepted for membership. Join or renew your membership online or send a check to the address below written out to “Concerned Women for America.”  Be sure to put “CWA of North Dakota” on the memo line.
  • Partner with us by giving a tax-deductible gift, above and beyond your membership donation, towards the work of CWA of North Dakota. We are run by all volunteers; therefore, all contributions go straight to the work at hand for education materials, gas money for regular trips to the state capitol, postcards for our Encourage-A-Legislator project and more.  Contribute online or send a check to the address below written out to “Concerned Women for America.”  Be sure to put “CWA of North Dakota” on the memo line.

The mindset used to be: “Is it okay for Christians to be involved in public policy?”  The question now should be: “Is okay for Christians to not be involved in public policy?” If we don’t as believers, who will?

I look forward to hearing from you!


Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
P.O. Box 213
Park River, ND 58270