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Local Bookstore Hosts Book Reading with a Drag Queen

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By Young Women for America Ambassador, Hannah Gebhardt


On Saturday, February 11, local Morganton, North Carolina, business Adventure Bound Books hosted the Rainbow Readers Story Time event. The store invited young readers to “Join us as we welcome local Drag Queen Chloe Capri to the story time stage to read The You Kind of You. Craft to follow story.”


According to the TikTok page @chloecaprithequeen, Chloe Capri is a drag performer with Just Two Guys Productions. Capri has taken part in various drag events, including several shows at another local Morganton restaurant, Moondog Pizza, where multiple “kid-friendly” drag events have taken place. Capri was invited to Adventure Bound to take part in a read-aloud of The You Kind of You by Nina West, a children’s book that teaches “kindness, community, love, and inclusion.”


Author of the book, Nina West, is a drag queen and advocate of the Disney Pride initiative. According to an article by Sabina Graves, “West aims to spread awareness that kindness is needed more than ever, especially with legislation all over the U.S. with the potential to endanger LGBTQ youth.”[1] West’s book exposes children to the LGBTQ+ movement, teaching them to embrace who they feel to be on the inside.


Events like these rob children of their innocence by teaching them that they should explore sexual preferences and desires at a young age. The LGBTQ+ movement is based entirely on redefining the biological standards of sexuality, and therefore, any material in relation to this movement should not be given or discussed in front of young, developing minds. Today’s youth are statistically the gayest generation in history because our society continues to desensitize morality by redefining objective truth.


Ephesians 4:14-15 explains, “So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.” Our God is not a God of confusion, but rather He has given us His Word to lead us in grace and truth. The LGBTQ+ movement calls children to love themselves by a worldly standard, leaving them empty as they look upon their depraved state. But true love comes from the truth of the Word of God; that we have been intentionally designed by our Creator and have been called to glorify Him. It’s time to stop exploiting children, and instead begin loving by guarding them with grace and truth.


[1] Graves, Sabina. “Nina West on the Importance of Kindness and Being a Fantastical Fan.” Gizmodo, 25 Nov. 2022,