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Living Together Before Marriage? God’s Best Is Worth the Wait, Research Shows

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They say some of the smartest people in the world move to D.C., but take one look at the housing costs, and you may beg to differ. If you’ve ever lived in the vicinity of our nation’s Capital, you know it’s not cheap.

My fiancé took one for the team and recently moved to the D.C. Metro area — the plan being that he’d rent a one bedroom apartment for half a year, then I would move in after the wedding. When we told people, they were shocked and even a professing Christian was slightly surprised.

We got questions like, “Don’t you want to test it out first and see if you’re compatible?” or “Don’t you want to save money?”

I felt like responding, “Is the Pope Catholic? Does Hillary delete e-mails?” Of course we want to live together, but instead we simply replied, “To us, it’s worth it.”

The wait, that is.

But “wait” is not a word we hear often today.

We Americans have developed a short attention span; whether it’s social media, fast food, or even relationships (thanks to the hook up culture), the more quick and “hassle-free” the better. As a result, people both inside and outside the Church are becoming increasingly willing to settle for substitutes of God’s best — especially regarding sex and marriage.
Click here to read the rest of this article on The Christian Post.