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Let Us Join Together and Contend for the Faith!

By August 8, 2024Kentucky

Your continued prayers and support for Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Kentucky is a great encouragement as we pray and engage to promote Biblical values and constitutional principles in public policy. We must unite with one voice of truth and love for our neighbors.

I’ve been meditating on the Scripture my pastor read on Sunday from the tiny, though powerful, Book of Jude, verse 3,

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”

What does contend mean in this context? I looked it up; it means to put yourself forward, nominate yourself, and/or assert yourself. It is an action word.

When I look around and see the bright, smiling faces of children heading back to school, I am reminded of how much Jesus loves children. As soldiers in the LORD’s army, contending for the faith, we must put ourselves forward on behalf of Kentucky’s children. We aim to encourage a cultural environment that protects their hearts and minds by honoring life and cultivating virtue in every sphere of influence, all with Scriptural principles in mind.

Are you ready to join me and contend for the faith? Consider one or more of these opportunities:

  • PRAY! Cultivate the ground for the upcoming elections this fall. Pray that God would install faithful, virtuous leadership in Kentucky! Here are some excellent prayer points to guide you.
  • Start a Prayer/Action Chapter in your area! We need faithful women committed to both prayer and action for Kentucky on a regular basis. If you would like information about leading a CWA of Kentucky Prayer/Action Chapter that gathers like-minded women together on a monthly basis, contact me at 859-699-1225. I would love to tell you more about it and answer any questions you may have.
  • Support CWA of Kentucky today! Your generous donation will ensure that the work continues to protect and promote Biblical values and constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy in our great state.

Jennifer Pendleton
State Director
CWA of Kentucky 