3-12-18 State Legislative Update – Faith-Based Adoptions and Hate Crimes (Again)

By March 12, 2018Georgia

Hate Crimes

Legislation is never considered dead until the legislative session is over. And that cannot be truer concerning the resuscitation of the “hate crimes” bill. Last Thursday, in a crafty maneuver, the “hate crimes” bill found new life by placing the “hate crimes” language into SB 373.  The bill passed out of the House Judiciary Committee and is now in the Rules Committee. The bill would add additional punishments for crimes committed against protected classes of people based on race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, and more.

Please read our talking points concerning the dangers of “hate crime” laws. 

Should this bill pass, individuals in Georgia could claim, and courts interpret, that merely expressing one’s sincerely held beliefs is “intimidating” or represents a “threat” of force. “Hate crime” laws are already being used to intimidate and punish people who honor natural sexuality and value marriage as the union of one man and one woman. If a person speaks out against various sexual behaviors, they may be accused of “hate speech” and promoting “hate crimes.”

Action Item: SB 373 (committee substitute) is moving quickly and phone calls are needed immediately. Would you make three phone calls today to stop this very dangerous bill?

  1. Contact the Speaker of the House, David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge), and respectfully urge him to stop SB 373 from moving forward. E-mail him and/or call his office at (404) 656-5020.
  2. Contact Rules Chairman John Meadows, and respectfully urge him to stop SB 373 from moving forward. E-mail him and/or call his office at (404) 656-5141.
  3. Contact your state representative and urge him or her to OPPOSE SB 373 should it come to a floor for a vote. If you do not know who your representative is, click here.

Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Georgia.

Please pray for the Lord’s intervention on the hate crimes bill.  Ask the Lord to stop the bill in its tracks and claim Jeremiah 32:27, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”

Adoption and Foster Care Legislation

Status: SB 375, the “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act”, is languishing in the House Judiciary Committee. SB 375 will ensure that the State of Georgia will continue to respect the special missions of faith-based child-placing agencies as this State has always done. Georgia has the constitutional duty to proactively protect the first freedom of the First Amendment for religious persons and their institutions.

Action: Contact Gov. Nathan Deal and urge him to put his support behind SB 375 and help move the bill forward. Use the Online Contact Form or call his office at (404)656-1776. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Georgia.  

Please pray that Gov. Deal will recognize the importance of protecting faith-based adoption agencies. James 5:16 promises that, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Once again, thank you for both your prayers and action.

Tanya Ditty
State Director
CWA of Georgia