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Legislative Update: Sanctity of Life and Education

By February 10, 2018South Dakota
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“The question is not whether we legislate morality, but whose morality we legislate.” Chuck Colson


We are pleased to report that SB 110 passed the Senate on Tuesday, February 6, by a vote of 27 to 8. Check the votes here. It will now head to the House.

This bill will bring some transparency to the disclosure of information given to women seeking abortion at Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls, our only remaining abortion facility.  It aims to set right the wrong done to our legislators and governor who passed and signed additions to our abortion disclosure law in previous years.  In addition, this bill exposes Planned Parenthood’s failure to adequately present the disclosures (informed consent) as required by state law. It requires Pregnancy Help Centers to also provide certain disclosures, ensuring pregnant mothers receive accurate information when considering an abortion.

ACTION:  Contact your representatives and ask them to vote YES on SB 110.  You may email using this,  call the House lobby at 605-773-3851 to leave a message, and/or click here to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them individually.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota.


HB 1120, the “Homeschool Activities Equal Access” bill,  failed in the House Education Committee on January 31.  Check the votes here. HB 1120 would have provide[d] equal access for all students to activities sponsored by the South Dakota High School Activities Association or school districts. However, the “smoke out” of the bill was successful, thus forcing the committee to send it to the House floor for debate and a vote.  Check the votes here.  We wanted a “Yes” vote.  As of today, HB 1120 has not been placed on the calendar for a vote pending an amendment.

We are pleased to report that SB 94, the “Homeschool Opportunity Scholarship Equity” bill, passed in the Senate.  Check the votes here. The bill will establish certain provisions regarding the opportunity scholarship program, making the program fair for homeschoolers.

It has not yet been scheduled in the House Education Committee.

ACTION:  Contact your state representatives and urge them to support these two homeschool bills. You may email using this,  call the House lobby at 605-773-3851 to leave a message, and/or click here to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them individually. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota.


Two bills, SB 117 and HB 1221, have made a few adjustments that they are required to do as the program progresses. The purpose of SB 117 is to revise certain provisions regarding the partners in education tax credit program. The purpose of HB 1221, a program that was passed into law two years ago that we were involved in, is to expand the partners in education tax credit program to include tribally controlled schools on a federally recognized Indian reservation.

ACTION:  No action is needed at this time.

 PRAYER:  Please pray for the success of each one of these bills.  May their opposition be thwarted.

Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota