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Legislately!: Secretary Sebelius Continues to “Navigate” Funds for Abortion Providers

By September 4, 2013Legislately
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Nance_Rendall.jpg America is 17 trillion dollars in debt, but Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius continues to waste money. On her watch, a group of community organizers, including Planned Parenthood, with little training and no background checks, will have access to your personal information and are receiving 64 million of your hard-earned dollars to recruit ObamaCare recipients and fund a horrendous abortion business.Most of you know Rep. Diane Black (R-Tennessee) is a hero to the pro-life movement. She understands about protecting taxpayers from funding abortions. Now she has taken great leadership in stopping Secretary Sebelius’ “navigator fund.” Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee’s (CWALAC) CEO and President, and Shari Rendall, CWALAC’s House Legislative Director, talk with Rep. Black about her efforts to defund the navigator program and how YOU can get involved.
