Kansas Conservatives Not Being Heard

By August 10, 2016Kansas

Last week’s election resulted in long time U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp losing the Congressional District #1 seat.  Many conservative Kansas State Legislators who were incumbents LOST their races, also!

The 2017 legislative session may present some challenges for Concerned Women for America of Kansas.  We may not see many bills passed in favor of our issues.  We will be busy defending the great legislation that has already been passed and written into law.  We owe a great deal of thanks to these wonderful lawmakers who were voted out during this past primary.  In some cases they lost by very few votes and that gives us hope that we are still making ourselves heard.  Please keep your focus.

The big reason why the election was not favorable to them is the disagreement with the judicial branch’s decision to legislate school finance by mandating the state dollars to be spent on education.

The attacks concerning school finance and the rightful place of the legislature in control of our state budget have been causing a lot of confusion.  The media along with the National Education Association (NEA) and the Kansas NEA have misrepresented the condition of school finance.  The fact is that the Governor’s office has sent information countless times showing that the State Budget includes Education Funding at 51%.  That is right; over half of our state budget goes to education. 

 Please Pray for the upcoming General Election.  Pray for favor that there will be a large number of constituents understanding what actually is true and what is only smoke.

Take Action: Learn as much as you can about the candidates in your area. Share what you know with others.  Be prepared to vote in November and help others to understand how important it is to make all of our voices be heard. Watch for our general election voter guide.

Now more than ever is the time to be involved in defending your values in your community, our great state and America!  God bless you.  I am praying for you; you are the one who makes a difference in Kansas.


Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas
(785) 260-5659