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Kansans for Israel!

By March 6, 2019Kansas
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In 2017, Kansas passed a law “outlawing state agencies from engaging in contracts with entities or companies that are part of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting Israel.”

Today, Kansas is furthering their support of Israel by considering SB 216, which encourages the state to invest in Israel.  Jake LaTurner, Kansas State Treasurer, has introduced this well researched bill.  Mr. LaTurner authored this op-ed to lay out some of the reasons why the legislation is worthy of consideration.

The bill would allow Kansas to invest in Israel bonds. One of Concerned Women for America’s core issues is the support for Israel. Therefore, we support any legislation that strengthens Israel and our relationship with her.

SB 216 is in the Senate Committee of Ways and Means. 

Take Action! Your help is needed to pass this very important bill.   Please contact the chair and vice chair of the committee and urge them to support SB 216 and ensure it receives a fair hearing and support its final passage in the Kansas Senate.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Kansas.

Chairwoman Sen. Carolyn Mc Ginn (R-District 31)
785-296-7377 |

Vice Chairman, Sen. Rick Billinger (R-District 40)
785-296-7399 |

Additional information to share with the chair and vice chair:

“As a citizen from the State of Kansas, I STAND WITH ISRAEL. SB 216 would give Kansas the option of investing in Israel, a key trade partner, and the only democracy in the Middle East. Under current law, the Kansas Pooled Money Investment Board is only allowed to invest in U.S. Treasuries, yet Israel Bonds see a higher yield. Giving our state more investment options and sending a strong message that we support our friend Israel is a win-win.”

Save the date! A rally is in the works for March 19 to show support for SB 216 and to lobby for its passage.  

Pray! Pray that SB 216 will receive a fair hearing, that many will come out and testify in support of the bill, and the bill will pass and become law. Pray also for a good turnout for the rally.

“And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, and so you shall be a blessing, and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:2-3 (NASB)

God Bless You,

Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas

Thank you for all you do educating, praying and acting in an appropriate manner.  Please consider donating online to the ministry of CWA of Kansas.  Or, make a check out to “Concerned Women for America,” put “CWA of KS” on the memo, and send it to P.O. Box 8331, Topeka, KS 66608.