July 12 Action Alert – Pray Without Ceasing!

By July 13, 2017Washington

July greetings to you!  I hope you had a great time celebrating our nation’s 241st birthday!  In this country, we have so much for which to be thankful.  From yummy barbeques to bright fireworks, there are so many ways that we celebrate this remarkable holiday.  The founding values and principles of this nation are clearly stated in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. These significant principles are found in the Declaration of Independence as follows: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Our shared values must be restored and supported in our nation’s laws and culture.  That is the goal of Concerned Women for America.  Our seven core issues (Family, Sanctity of Human Life, Education, Sexual Exploitation, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, and Support for Israel) each address a specific area of concern for American citizens who wish to restore the founding principles to this country and reverse the moral decline in our nation. For specifics on those core issues, please visit https://concernedwomen.org/issues/.

In the state of Washington, we are constantly barraged by well-organized opposition. In response, prayer is CWA of Washington’s first priority, followed by education and action. I ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a leader by organizing other concerned citizens to lift up our nation’s needs to our God Who hears our prayers.  Please consider starting a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community, either with friends, neighbors, or church members.  The average chapter has five participants, and it only takes about two hours per month to host a chapter meeting. CWA will provide contact information for local members.  While God is unquestionably in charge of our world, we are encouraged to be prayerful, to be  faithful, and to be involved in the works needing to be done here on earth. James 2:14-26 says, “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead … Do you see that faith was working together with his (Abraham’s) works, and by works faith was made perfect?” What is your calling?  If it is to pray, please fill out the attached leadership application and email it back to the state office.  If you are not led  to become a leader, please consider joining a current Prayer Chapter.  Click here to view the current chapter locations. If you are interested in becoming a leader of a Prayer Chapter, click here and send the application to me.

Contact the state office for more details.

Remember to pray for the Stormans in Olympia, Coach Kennedy in Bremerton, Barronelle Stutzman in Richland, and other Washington State citizens who have stood firmly for religious liberty. Each of these cases concerns our right to freedom of conscience and how we are allowed to go about personal or business related activities.
Finally, please pray for our families as we are continually challenged to live out our faith.  The current push for transgenderism and other ungodly behaviors is difficult to comprehend.  While several respected sources, such as the American College of Pediatricians and Johns Hopkins Hospital, have consistently warned about promoting transgenderism, the political correctness  on this issue continues in clear rebellion to God’s laws and principles. It insists on forcing the rest of society to conform to a non-Biblical worldview made up of alternative opinions.  As mentioned in previous alerts, Washington State’s Department of Education supports teaching all children in the public schools that they can choose their own sex, or gender, despite their inherent biological sexual identity.  Parents need to be aware of what is being taught to their children and parental rights need to be respected. Children should not  be exposed to ideas that are contrary to family values.  To be proactive in protecting your own children, stay updated on what is happening in the schools and stay in touch with your child’s teacher.

The U. S. Supreme Court has recently made several  encouraging decisions regarding religious liberty. We hope to see the courts continue to make decisions in favor of Concerned Women for America’s core issues and to reverse the moral decline in this country. CWA’s Legal Counsel, Mario Diaz, has great insight on the issue of religious freedom. Here is one of his excellent articles.

If you are not already a member of CWA of Washington, click here to join us in our fight to preserve Christian values!

We appreciate your prayers, your support, and your participation in Concerned Women for America of Washington!  May God bless you!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson

State Director
Concerned Women for America of Washington
P.O. Box 143 Woodinville, WA 98072