Judicial Excellence Shines Under Trump, McConnell

Washington, D.C. — Today, the U.S. Senate, under the leadership of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), has confirmed the 10th judicial nominee to a circuit court: Leonard Steven Grasz to the Eight Circuit.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, issued the following statement:

“I want to commend President Donald J. Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on their leadership and commitment to constitutional principles as they continue their excellent work on the confirmation of judicial nominees.

“I hear it everywhere I go. The excitement is palpable. President Trump has delivered on this issue, which was one of the primary reasons they voted for him.

“And Majority Leader McConnell’s commitment has not gone unnoticed. His steady handling of nominees, even when faced with fierce Democrat opposition, has been stellar.

“Judge Steven Grasz is just the latest example. Here is a nominee with excellent credentials, impeccable character, and professional reputation, and a commitment to the proper constitutional role of a judge. We are thrilled with his confirmation and commit to lifting him and his family in prayer as he undertakes this new public service challenge.”

For an interview with Penny Nance contact Annabelle Rutledge at arutledge@cwfa.org or 916-792-3973.