Join Us At A CWA of Missouri Event

By August 15, 2021Missouri

(Descriptions of the events are located at the bottom.)

Critical Race Theory Exposed with Dr. Mary Byrne 

Date: 6:00 p.m., Thursday, August 19
Location: The Elks Lodge No. 919, 1705 Christopher Road, Mexico, MO 65265
Contact: Jennifer Gore 573-473-0079

Date: 9:30 a.m., Saturday, August 21
Location: Heritage Bible Church, 301 Droste Road, St. Charles, MO 63301
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Date: 6:30 p.m., Monday, August 23
Updated Location: Eagles No. 3775, 321 North Spring Street, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Date: 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 24
Location: Historic Post Office, 204 East Main St., West Plains, MO 65775
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Date: 6:30 p.m., Monday, August 30
Location: Wallace Center, 325 Harwood Avenue, Lebanon, MO 65536
Contact: Karen Nixon 417-322-5918
This event is hosted by the Lebanon Tea Party

Date: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, September 2
Location: Church of the Word, 801 Hawkins Road, Fenton, MO 63026
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Date: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, September 16
Location: Convergence Point, 4220 S. Hocker Drive, Independence, MO 64055
Contact: Shelley Lowery 417-861-9646

Date: 9:30 a.m., Saturday, September 25
Location: Mannah Fellowship Church, 17617 Route 291, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Protecting Young Minds Online Act with Alissa Johnson 

Date: 6:30 p.m., Friday, August 13
Location: First State Community Bank, 1022 Highway 47, Warrenton, MO 63383
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Date: 9:30 a.m., Saturday, August 14
Location: Pillar Foundation, 15820 Clayton Road, Ellisville, MO 63011
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Date: 7 p.m., Thursday, September 2
Location: Granny Schaffer’s Restaurant, 2728 North Range Line Road, Joplin, MO 64801
There is an optional dinner at 6 p.m. at the guest’s expense, in the Trolley Room.
Contact: Bev Ehlen 314-608-0168

Update on All Things Israel with Jon Bierman 

Date: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, September 9
Location: Convergence Point, 4220 S. Hocker Drive, Independence, MO 64055
Contact: Shelley Lowery 417-861-9646


Event Descriptions:

Critical Race Theory Exposed with Dr. Mary Byrne, Ed.D.
Dr. Byrne’s presentation will explain how current events, most notably the recent violence ignited by claims of systemic racism, are grounded in critical race theory; and how critical race theory is grounded in Karl Marx’s writing instructing followers how to start a revolution in a nation.

Please plan to attend to find out what Critical Race Theory (CRT) is, why it is very concerning for our public schools, and what you can do to protect the children in your community.

Dr. Byrne’s presentation will reveal how almost two centuries of Marxism have infiltrated the U.S. government, the law, churches, the military, and education. She will explain how there is a current concerted effort to indoctrinate Missouri school children by instilling the Critical Race Theory curriculum into the public school system.

Dr. Mary Byrne, Ed.D., is a national speaker and co-founding member of Missouri Coalition Against Common Core. She has an M.A. in special education and an M.Ed. in curriculum and instructional design, and a doctorate in special education from Teachers College at Columbia University.

Protecting Young Minds Online Act with Alissa Johnson 

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri invites you to a presentation by CWA of Missouri’s Legislative Liaison Alissa Johnson, on the Protect Young Minds Online Act (PYMOA).

Alissa leads the CWA of Missouri legislative team at the Missouri State Capitol advocating for the passage of PYMOA – legislation that will require internet service providers in the state to add a filter to protect children from viewing pornography/obscenity online.

More than forty years ago, Missouri lawmakers created a Missouri statute that would make furnishing pornographic material to minors a Class A misdemeanor. The statute has never been updated to include the internet. Presently, minors are accessing pornography/obscenity via the internet on their cell phones, home computers, friends’ laptops/tablets, etc. The PYMOA will help remedy this.

Update on All Things Israel with Jon Bierman 

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri is excited to announce that Jon Bierman will be back with us to share what has been happening in Israel. There were a few good, calm years during the Trump Administration, but in the last eight months, things are once again erupting – from the change in Prime Ministers, the newly seated Knesset, continued threats from Hamas, and COVID-19 restrictions.

Jon has practiced law as a commercial litigator in St. Louis, first at the law firm of Gallop, Johnson & Neuman and then with Polsinelli, P.C. Bierman’s degree in history from Washington University focused on the history of the Middle East. He has a J.D., magna cum laude from Saint Louis University School of Law, 1998, and a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis, 1995.

More about the event

The discussion of “All Things Israel” will include the results of the recent election. Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party were unseated after 12 years of service as Prime Minister. Netanyahu was replaced by Naphtali Bennet. Bennet assembled a fragile coalition of eight diverse political parties to attain power. He won by one vote in the Knesset vote.

Hamas recently depleted their stockpile of 4,300 Iranian supplied rockets, firing at populated areas, including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. During the current “cease-fire,” Hamas reverted to launching helium balloons carrying firebombs, along the Gaza border.

The chairman of one of the Arab political parties, in the newly seated Knesset, recently declared, “Jerusalem will one day be the Capital of Palestine. Our people will cause them (Jews) to be ashamed and withdraw from these places.” This indicates the new Prime Minister will be tested as he seeks to lead the State of Israel.

Israel is leading the world in Covid-19 injections, with a goal of 100 percent citizen participation. Policies that restrict employment, activities, and travel are in place. This has been a severe blow to their lifestyle, economy, and tourism business, which is most critical to the Israeli economy.