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Join CWA of North Carolina at the Prayer Walk in Charlotte – February 29

By February 21, 2020North Carolina
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Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Carolina invites you to join with us Saturday, February 29, as we partner with Love Life for a pro-life prayer walk in Charlotte. (We also encourage you to join us in Greensboro and Raleigh.)

Wouldn’t you like to be counted as we stand in the gap for these precious little ones? Here are the details for February 29.

Date: Saturday, February 29
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Meeting Location: “A Preferred Women’s Health” Abortion Clinic, 3236 Latrobe Drive • Charlotte, NC 28211

** Please wear your Love Life T-shirt. First-timers will receive a free t-shirt.
** Prepare yourself to worship on Saturday. These are the songs we will be singing at the prayer walk.

Please bring a friend and join us! This is a child-friendly event!

While RSVPing is not necessary, I would love to know you will be joining me in Charlotte, so please contact me by Friday, February 28, if you can. And if you have any questions about any of these pro-life opportunities, please contact me. We pray God will place this issue of LIFE on the hearts and minds of the citizens of North Carolina.

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” (Psalm 82:3)

For Truth and Righteousness,
Jill Coward
State Director