It’s Time to Urge the Virginia Board of Health to Maintain Safety Standards in Abortion Clinics

By January 26, 2015Virginia

Respect Women, Require Safety!

If you haven’t already, now is the time to submit your comments to the Virginia Board of Health on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall site and ask that they maintain safety standards for abortion clinics. Abortion clinics want to self-regulate; however, health inspectors have discovered over 400 violations in Virginia abortion centers. This enormous number of violations shows both the clinics’ disregard for women’s safety as well as their thirst for blood money. To them, making a profit is more important than protecting women.

Read the background on this issue in one of our previous alerts.

If you haven’t had a chance to register your comment (as we requested on January 15), it’s not too late. Please do it now! It only takes a minute; a short comment is all that is needed. Feel free to write a quick statement such as “Respect Women, Require Safety!” or “400 infractions reveal a serious need for health and safety standards. Maintain the safety standards.”

We must all participate by visiting the web site to register our comments.

Please forward this e-mail to your family, friends, pastor and co-workers. If you have already submitted your comments, THANK YOU for acting on behalf of women.

Pray for each member of the board by name. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the horrors of abortion as they go through this review process. We pray that they respond courageously and act honorably to the information they are given.