It’s Time for You to Participate in Virginia’s Abortion Click Regulation Review

By January 15, 2015Virginia

As you may recall, to our dismay, on December 4, the Board of Health voted to proceed with a review of Virginia’s abortion center regulations, less than two years after they were implemented and on which the data is just now being compiled. That compilation is not encouraging as 400 infractions have been found in the 18 abortion facilities. Click here to read the full report on that December 4 meeting, vote and CWA of Virginia’s involvement.

As I said in that report, “There will be opportunities for public comment; we will keep you informed.” Now it the time! Register your comment today!

Let your voice be heard; women deserve respect; women require safety!

When I attended the State Board of Health meeting, I heard an alarming figure. When the public comment period was open via the Board of Health web site, 10,000 recorded to repeal the regulations and only 2,000 urged to maintain the regulations. So the opposition had greater success in activating their grassroots than we did. Not this time!

Now is the time to redeem ourselves by registering our comments on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall site. It only takes a minute. Make it simple and to the point. I wrote, “400 infractions reveal a serious need for health and safety standards. Maintain the safety standards.”

Comment period ends February 11, 2015.

Take Action:

1. Register your comments today; do it NOW!
2. Forward this to your pastor, all your friends, family and like-minded individuals in your circle of influence.
3. If your schedule allows, please write to each member of the board. Click here for their names and contact information.


Pray for each member of the board by name. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to the horrors of abortion as they go through this review process. May they be courageous and act honorably based on that information.

Leave your comment now; do not delay!

Respect Women, Require Safety!