Iowa Pro-Life Bill Needs Your Support Today and Tomorrow

By January 30, 2017Iowa

The 87th General Assembly just completed its third week of the session and things are certainly heating up.

On Tuesday, January 24, pro-abortion activists were bussed in by Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI), which held a phony award show in the Rotunda where they mocked legislators and coached the audience to boo SF2, a pro-life bill, on cue.

SF2 redirects taxpayer funds from abortion facilities to clinics that will offer a wider range of healthcare services – thus increasing the number of qualifying clinics by 200 or more locations.  This is a  move that improves accessibility to comprehensive health services across the state.  Click here to read the bill and to track its status.

Planned Parenthood activists joined the CCI group, squeezing an oversized crowd into the subcommittee hearing for SF2.

Sen. Amy Sinclair (R-District 14) chaired the meeting professionally and confidently amid chants and posturing of the pro-abortion crowd in their pink shirts.  Some even had their vulgar pink hats as worn in the Women’s March protesting the states’ election of President Trump.

The abortion crowd cheered Sen. Janet Petersen’s (D-District 18) arrival.  Though Sen. Petersen seems to promote a prenatal program of sorts, she is clearly a champion to the abortion crowd.  Sen. Jason Schultz (R-District 9) and Sen. Sinclair voted to move the bill forward with Petersen opposing.

SF2 is scheduled to be heard before the Judiciary Committee tomorrow, January 31, at around 1:00 p.m. in Room 116. Chairman of the Committee, Sen. Brad Zaun (R-District 20), is expected to run the bill at 1:00 p.m.


  1. Are you in driving distance to Des Moines? Please do all you can to attend the hearing and bring a friend.  Come early to pray and pack the room.  As we know at CWA, prayer paves the way, but action takes the land.
  2. Contact each member of the Judiciary Committee and ask them to vote “YES” on SF2. Click here to find each of their names and contact information.  Legislators have received 1000’s of emails and 100’s of phone calls opposing pro-life measures.  It’s time to tip the scale! Please be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Iowa.
  3. When contacting Chairman Zaun’s office, write “WITH YOU” be sure to thank him for his support of SF2.
  4. Forward this e-alert on to friends and family and encourage them to pray and take action on this life and death issue.
  5. In addition, if time allows, please thank these legislators that sponsored SF2 (To email, simply use this format – – Amy Sinclair (R-District 14), Bill Anderson (R-District 3), Jerry Behn (R-District 24), Rick Bertrand (R-District 7), Michael Breitbach (R-District 28), Waylon Brown (R-District 26), Jake Chapman (R-District 10), Mark Chelgren (R-District 41), Mark Costello (R-District 12), Dan Dawson (R-District 8), Bill Dix (R-District 25), Jeff Eder (R-District 35), Randy Feenstra (R-District 2), Julian Garrett (R-District 13), Tom Green (R-District 44), Dennis Guth (R-District 4), Craig Johnson (R-District 32), Tim Kapucian (R-District 38),  Tim Kraayenbrink (R-District 5), Mark Lofgren (R-District 46), Ken Rozenboom (R-District 40), Charles Schneider (R-District 22), Jason Schultz (R-District 9), Mark Segebart (R-District 66), Tom Shipley (R-District 11), Roby Smith (R-District 47), Jack Whitver (R-District 19), Brad Zaun (R-District 20), and Dan Zumbach (R-District 48).

Please PRAY: Pray for this meeting.  Pray for each committee member by name.  Pray for their wisdom, discernment and the courage to do what is right.

For Life!

Tamara Scott
State Director
CWA of Iowa