Infrastructure Bill is Reckless Spending and Cover to Promote Divisive, Radical Policies

For Immediate Release
August 10, 2021

Jacklyn Washington

Washington, D.C. — Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC), has voiced strong objection to provisions in the Senate Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that are using “infrastructure” projects as cover to promote divisive, radical policies.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of CWALAC, had this to say:
“Today, Concerned Women for America members across the nation call on: Senators Blunt (R-Missouri), Burr (R-North Carolina), Capito (R-West Virginia), Cassidy (R-Louisiana), Collins (R-Maine), Cornyn (R-Texas), Cramer (R-North Dakota), Crapo (R-Idaho), Fischer (R-Nebraska), Grassley (R-Iowa), Hoeven (R-North Dakota), McConnell (R-Kentucky), Murkowski (R-Alaska), Portman (R-Ohio), Risch (R-Idaho), Romney (R-Utah), Rounds (R-South Dakota), Sullivan (R-Alaska), Tillis (R-North Carolina), and Wicker (R-Mississippi) to stand firm against this frivolous wasteful government spending that will pass on crippling debt to future generations of Americans.

“There is no justification for the high price tag associated with this bill. With the current national U.S. debt exceeding $28 trillion, this bill is nothing but more irresponsible, reckless spending with no end in sight.

“In an evenly divided Senate, legitimate disagreement and discourse should be respected. This ‘infrastructure’ bill will waste trillions of dollars and includes innumerable controversial provisions that have nothing to do with actual meaningful investments in American infrastructure.  CWALAC opposes this Trojan horse of a bill, and we urge the above Senators to stand firm against it.

We remind these Senators that under their leadership, since 2000, the national debt has grown from $5 trillion to a staggering $28 trillion. This is contrary to the principles most of them embraced as their reasoning for entering public service.  This vote will serve as a legacy of debt and irresponsible spending as many of them leave the Senate.  Shame.”


Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization dedicated to impacting the culture for Christ