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Happy Thanksgiving!

By November 15, 2017Maine, Uncategorized
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Dear friend,

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!  With life’s busyness, it’s easy for me to go about my daily routine without a thankful and grateful heart. This can be a detrimental attitude. However, Thanksgiving gives me an opportunity to realign my heart to be grateful to Him in all things.

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” – Colossians 3:17

On that note, it is with gratitude to the Lord that I write to you today.  Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine has been blessed this year with so much.

The first blessing is you!  I thank the Lord for your participation in this ministry.  Your prayers for both CWA of Maine and the issues at hand are absolutely needed.  The actions you take, such as making phone calls, sending emails, and writing to our legislators, put feet to all that CWA does behind the scenes. I am grateful!  Your financial support literally keeps the gas in the car, the paper in the copier, the cell phone on, and much more.  I thank the Lord for your gifts.

The second blessing is Catherine (Cathy) Carsley.  She recently stepped into the Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator position.  Cathy will be managing the volunteer encouragers as they pray for and encourage their assigned state senator and house member. As a natural encourager, Cathy will be a tremendous asset to CWA of Maine in this position.

The third blessing is Renee Fortin.  She recently stepped into the position of Prayer/Action Chapter Coordinator as well as Legislative Liaison.  It is her goal to have at least one chapter in each of Maine’s 16 counties by the end of 2018.  In addition, Renee will assist in all aspects of the legislative process.  She will be keeping track of legislation, keeping you informed of prayer needs, educating you on the issues/bills that are important to you, and advising action that needs to be taken.  As Renee is a longtime friend of CWA of Maine, I am excited to see how the Lord will use her as one of our leaders.

CWA of Maine has much to be thankful to the Lord for as we work together to make a difference in public policy.  We thank God for you and ask His richest blessings on you and your family during this season of thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine