Happy New Year From Your CWA of Iowa Leadership Team

By January 10, 2014Iowa

As we are off and running in 2014 with big plans for events, projects and more, we resolve to live in appreciation towards God and our CWA friends and determination in faith and strength to be used by God in this great work. We hope you will join us!

Greetings and Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a chance to slow down and enjoy the people God has placed in your lives during this holiday season. Even more, I hope you took time to talk to your loved ones about the gift of our Savior who left Heaven’s glory to come to earth and offer Himself as the sacrifice for our sins so that we can go to Heaven with Him.

CWA of Iowa is off and running in 2014. This year, we decided not to offer just one Day on the Hill. Instead, we would like you to join us whenever it’s convenient for you as often as you like. Bring your Prayer/Action Chapter, Sunday school class, Bible study or book club friends, and we’ll give you lobby training and help you meet with your legislators if they are available. Please e-mail info@iowa.cwfa.org or call 515-259-0087 to schedule your trip to the Capitol.

As you know, CWA’s Day on the Hill has always been our big day to distribute the Encourage-a-Legislator (EAL) packets. The EAL program is simple. You request a packet that has 16 prayer postcards enclosed. Each postcard has an encouraging Scripture verse and quote from our Founding Fathers affirming our Christian heritage as a nation. You simply address, stamp, and say a prayer for the legislator or leader as you slip the postcard in the mail each week fulfilling 1 Timothy 2:1,2.


Covering our legislators in prayer and sending them encouraging notes is something we could not forgo. So we’ll need your help in getting the EAL packets distributed. We’ll be relying on our Prayer/Action Chapters – and you – our friends across the state to help us find prayer partners. We’d like to make a concentrated effort to have legislators covered in prayer by Iowans who live in or close to their district. That way, we’re building relationships while building prayer covering. Please consider e-mailing for your EAL packet today. Perhaps you could be an EAL Captain and find five friends who would also take a packet to pray over a legislative member, a congressional member, an Iowa Supreme Court judge, or the Governor.

CWA of Iowa has been working with legislators outside of the session to stop the federal intrusion in the latest educational reform program known as Common Core. Denise Bubeck traveled to Wisconsin to attend a legislative hearing on Common Core, and Tamara Scott participated in a strategy session with national experts led by David Barton of Wallbuilders at Glenn Beck studios in Dallas. We’ll continue to keep you posted as we travel the state giving informational presentations. If you’d like to host such a meeting, let us know and look for updates on our state website.

The national office has been working hard to update every state’s website. Iowa’s is in process, and we’re making changes. If you need information not found on our site, please let us know. Be watching for upcoming events and presentations as well as a list of our activities and accomplishments this past year.

The Lord allowed CWA of Iowa to participate in and accomplish some great work in the culture battle in 2013. Each year I am amazed and humbled how God can mightily use our minimal gifts and minor talents when we offer ourselves to His work and ask His blessing. Admittedly, I am learning not to be amazed, but to anticipate His multiplication and manifestation of our efforts. Proverbs 10:4 says diligent hands will bring riches and in 12:24 that diligent hands will rule. Ronald Reagan said those who show up, win.

CWA of Iowa continues to pursue our goal of having a Prayer/Action Chapter in each county. If you don’t have one near you, maybe you’re the one who is to start such a Chapter. Please consider this easy task of praying and taking action with a friend or small group once a month. It will surely change our state and greatly bless you.

As we grow, we have more demands and can use new expertise in the area of writing, coordinating lobbying efforts with our 535 program in D.C., development and fundraising, planning and volunteering at our local events, etc. The list goes on. If you have a desire or feel the Lord urging you, please call – we need YOU. Male, female, or as couples serving with CWA can be as wonderful way to grow in the Lord and make a difference.

We thank you for your diligence in standing with us in this culture war, and we encourage you not to back down as the heat of the battle intensifies.

CWA of Iowa is on the front line. As legislators and others are leaning on us for assistance, we need to be in a position to help bring in experts and offer resources. Although I do not like to ask for money, as State Director, I see where my failure to do so has limited us in some capacities. We’ve missed the opportunity to bless others through our work, and others have missed the blessing of giving to God’s work. Any funds designated to CWA of Iowa stay in Iowa for our work here at the local level. Everything we do, we must fund locally. If God has blessed you in a way that you can share in this work, your help will greatly advance what we can do.

We ask for an annual gift of at least $25. Please pray and see what you might be able to invest in our work. Your gifts could enable us to be the change we’re praying for in our communities, schools, and legislative halls. Send a check to CWA of Iowa, P.O. Box 616, Ankeny, IA 50021. Or, simply donate online.

As the New Year begins, I am resolving to live in appreciation and determination. I hope you’ll join me. I want to live in appreciation for all God continues to do and for you – know that you are a blessing when you respond to our invitations and events, when you say an encouraging word, and when you say a prayer for our work. I will live in determination; I will not be dismayed, discouraged, or distracted. I am committing to pray for our Iowa members with a renewed assurance that God is still on the throne, Jesus sits at the right hand waiting to intercede on our behalf, and the Holy Spirit waits to intervene and empower when we ask. I’m asking. Let’s ring in 2014 with revival in our hearts and restoration in our homes and reformation in God’s house and the State House.

The Lord’s blessings to you and yours this New Year.

Tamara Scott, State Director & Your CWA of Iowa Leadership Team:

Denise Bubeck – State Outreach Coordinator

Matt Floyd – Legislative Liaison

Linda Chisolm  – Records and Finance Chair

Diana Cummins-Bates – Webmaster

Kay Ealy – EAL Prayer Support

Joselyn Williams – Social Media Support

Glenda Battles – Contributing Writer