Greeting from Maine State Director, “It’s Great to Be Back!”

By August 23, 2016Maine

Morrell 2Dear Friend,

Hello, This is Penny Morrell. I am serving once again as the Concerned Women for America of Maine (CWA) State Director following a one-year hiatus.  As I took on the position again this year (no one really retires, right!), things were in full swing and haven’t slowed down since.  Though things are still at high speed, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to those of you who are new to CWA since I was last director and to say “Hello again!” to those who know me.

My involvement with CWA began after 9/11 when our country was hit by radical Muslims. It meant a lot to me that CWA was a voice for women and men alike to stand up for our great God and country. At the time, I was involved with the Jeremiah Project with Pastor Bob Emrich in Plymouth, Maine, and was office manager for the Christian Civic League of Maine part of that time.

Several issues were attacking our great State of Maine from special rights for homosexuals, to homosexual marriage, sex trafficking, Planned Parenthood law violations, gambling expansion, Common Core in education, and a host of others.

Through the years, I have had the privilege of serving side by side with Charla Bansley, the former Maine CWA state director and the others on the steering committee with the support of the more than two thousand members across the state.  Jan Pinkham is our excellent Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator, and Theresa Aiello has been a wonderful Events Coordinator.  We have worked on countless projects, legislation, get out the vote activities, events and more.  We work closely with Janet LeBlanc and support the 40 Days for Life Campaign, and we mobilized our state to vote against same-sex marriage in cooperation with other pro-family groups. We are educating the public and are part of getting Common Core repealed. I’ve traveled to Washington, D.C., several times with other CWA members for numerous rallies, lobbying and training.

As I now look towards the future of CWA of Maine, I am excited to see how God is going to use all of us through this ministry.  CWA of Maine is a strong organization due to the outstanding efforts of so many.  I plan to lead this great organization with the standard that God set from the beginning of seeking the Lord in all things with tenacity and depending on Him for guidance, strength and success.

CWA of Maine has great opportunities for involvement. We are seeking people to join with us as Prayer/Action Chapter members or perhaps consider starting a Chapter in your church or neighborhood. We would love to have you join us whether it’s through a Prayer/Action Chapter, the  Encourage-A-Legislator program, community rallies, lobbying our legislators in Augusta, lobbying our legislators in Washington, D.C., and/or other events, projects and more.  You are needed!

Together let us rely on II Chronicles 7:14 as we seek to benefit our communities, state and nation for the glory of God. “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”

Blessings to you!  I hope to hear from you soon!

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine