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Grassley Town Hall Shows Strong Local Support on SCOTUS

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Despite what you hear in left-wing media reports, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and is standing strong to give the people a voice on the type of Justice we want at the Supreme Court to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, has support from his constituents back home.

In recent town hall meetings, the majority of the crowd showed support for the veteran senator, even though the left has made him “target number one” to attack on the issue.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the liberal media is more sympathetic to the liberal side of this issue. Fortunately, truth always shines through.Take Seung Min Kim on Politico, who attempted to give great coverage to those at the town halls that were questioning Grassley’s stance. She quotes three attendees, Randy Waagmeester, Glenda Schrick, and Dave Damstrom, who did not support Grassley’s stance.On the other side, instead of quoting from three attendees, the author mostly goes to “groups” that support Grassley. She does quote from one supporter at the hearing, and the quote is revealing. She writes, “He’s doing his job and we appreciate it,” a male voice said, triggering “a loud round of applause from the three dozen people who attended the town hall…”Wait a minute, “a loud round of applause?” Yes. And that’s telling. You see, even though the report gives 3-to-1 coverage to local opponents of Sen. Grassley, “a loud round of applause” suggests the majority of those in attendance supported the senator.

Indeed, the local newspaper, the Sioux City Journal, reported that, “The biggest applause of the day came after a woman thanked the senator for his ‘courageous’ stance.”

Click here to read the rest of this article on The BLAZE.