GARRISON, TRAFICANT: China’s Reach Into Mainstream America Comes With A High Price To Pay

CWA’S International team made up of CWA’s VP of International Affairs, Dr. Shea Garrison and Legislative Strategist Ashley Traficant teamed up on an Opinion Piece published this week in The Daily Caller.

“The White House recently received a classified report from U.S. intelligence confirming what many already suspected — China’s public reporting of COVID-19 cases and fatalities is “intentionally incomplete” and “fake.” Furthermore, with currently over 1.3 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, if the Chinese government had acted 3-weeks earlier, the number of early cases world-wide could have been reduced by 95%.

While the world pays the price, staying barely one step ahead of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese government focuses on a propaganda war to skirt culpability and shift blame to the U.S. for the virus’ origin.

But China’s game of manipulation and attempts to undermine the U.S. at the highest levels of government and civil society is nothing new. With over 350,000 cases today in the U.S., COVID-19 is evidence that U.S. leaders and citizens should always be watchful, holding the Chinese government firmly accountable.”


Read Dr. Shea Garrison and Ashley Traficant’s Entire Piece Here: