Funding for Select Investigative Panel Continues

The House recently voted 234-181 to continue funding the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, a wonderful victory for those who wish to expose the corrupt industry of abortion and enforce current law stating that aborted baby parts should not be sold for profit.

The panel’s work has already revealed potential violations of this law that it has referred to departments and states for further investigation and potential prosecution.

The violations of law are numerous:

  • The University of New Mexico violated state law by accepting tissue from a late-term abortion provider.
  • StemExpress illegally profited off aborted baby remains.
  • StemExpress and abortion clinics violated HIPPA patient privacy rights.
  • An Arkansas abortion clinic sold tissue to StemExpress for profit.
  • A college in Ohio violated state law by trafficking aborted baby parts.
  • DV Biologics broke the law in trafficking aborted baby remains for profit and also violated sales tax law.
  • Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast sold baby parts for profit to the University of Texas.
  • Advanced Bioscience Resources profited from selling baby parts to colleges.
  • A Florida Women’s Center violated state and federal law by profiting from aborted baby remains through its work with StemExpress.

The panel has already been successful in taking a hard look at the industry of fetal tissue trafficking and the privacy and ethical concerns therein.  The panel is also investigating the medical procedures used in an abortion for baby parts, which will most likely mean researching whether these procedures have been illegally or dangerously altered to obtain better specimens, including the use of partial-birth abortions.  Additional official tasks of the panel include determining what happens with federal funding of abortion providers and what happens to medical care for born-alive infants.  The panel is prepared to recommend changes in laws and regulations.

Since the investigation has to cover all this – spanning the issues of profit, funding, medical procedures, privacy violations, and born-alive babies – it was imperative that the panel’s funding be extended – and it has been.

But soon our nation should go further and deeper.

Experimenting with aborted baby parts – precisely because they are human parts – is not ethical at all, profit aside.  Scientific research should soon seek discovery alternatives that don’t request baby parts for experiments.

The truth is the abortion industry will always do unethical things – because abortion itself will always be unethical.  The exposition of the practice of fetal tissue procurement reveals the humanity of the unborn and the tragedy of all abortions.

Chaney Mullins serves as Special Projects Writer for Concerned Women for America.